
时间:2022-04-02 19:14:19 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



“It rained in succession in the Qingming season, and pedestrians on the road wanted to break their souls. Ask where the restaurant is. The shepherd boy points to Xinghua village. “ I know this poem is about going home to visit the tomb. This years Qingming Festival, I also went home to visit the tomb.


It is the tradition of our Chinese nation to go home and visit the tomb on Qingming Festival. In recent thousands of years, everyone has chosen a good day to visit the tomb. Why do you want to visit the tomb on Qingming Festival? Because “before and after the Qingming Festival, grow melons and beans.” During the Qingming

Festival, the rain falls frequently, and the weeds on the ancestral graves grow much. So people have to help their ancestors clean up the weeds, so that they can better protect our health and safety in a comfortable environment, and achieve everything they want. 今天我怀着对先人的崇敬和感激之情和爸爸等亲人冒着大雨去拜祭先人。我首先来到了奶奶的坟前。大人们烧好了几柱大香,又烧了几柱小香。他们分给了我三品。只听大人一声令下,我们就开始拜祭了。我许了一个愿望:希望我的学业步步高升。我也很难过:为什么我的奶奶那么早就离开了人世?我还没见过您呢!想到这里,我的泪水不禁夺眶而出……

Today, with respect and gratitude to my ancestors, my father and other relatives braved heavy rain to worship my ancestors. I first came to grandmas grave. The adults burned several big and small joss sticks. They gave me three grades. At the command of the adults, we began to worship. I made a wish: I hope my academic progress. Im also very sad: Why did my grandmother die so early? I havent seen you! When I think about it, I cant help but burst into tears 扫墓,就是让祖先在一个最好的环境下安息,让祖先在天之灵保佑我们。也许我长大了!也许我懂得了为先人扫墓的意义!也许我开始懂事,学会孝顺和感恩了!我也渐渐喜欢上扫墓了! Tomb sweeping is to let the ancestors rest in the best environment and let the spirits of the ancestors bless us. Maybe I

grew up! Maybe I understand the meaning of tomb sweeping for our ancestors! Maybe I began to understand, learn to be filial and grateful! I also gradually like to go to the grave!
