路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索 - 百度文库 48个国际音标表 长元音 [i:] [] [] [u:] [a:] 元 音 [] 8个双元音 10清辅音 [ei] [ai] [p] [b] [m] [h] [w] [t] [d] [n] [r] [j] [i] [k] [g] [] [l] [i] [[f] [v] ] [u] [] [au] 12个单元音 短元音 [i] [] [] [u] [e] [] [s] [z] [] [ ∫ ] [] [tr] [ts] [] [ ] [] [dr] [dz] 对 浊辅音 辅 3个鼻音 音 3个似拼音 2个半元音 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 11 音节 字母组合 例如(such as) three tree\ eat tea meat \piece bag hand and ant happy head bread \elephant yes \ many any girl shirt\ turn burn\ learn earn \burger farmer powder\ doctor actor\ collar dollar car farm card\ fast class up supper\ come mother\ trouble\ blood flood small wall\ short more\ autumn\ four\ warm hot lost lot fox\ want wash watch food moon room\ shoe do two\ true blue full look good\ should could\ put full bull\ woman name\ play say\ great break\ rain paint\ they bike fine find\ try fly eye house out\ down now town \ [i:] ee ea e ie [æ] [e] a ea e a [] ir ur ear er or [ε] er or ou ar o a e u [a:] ar a [] u o ou oo [] al or au our ar [] o a [u:] oo o u [u] oo ou u o [ei] a ay ea ai ey [ai] i y [au] ou ow oa o 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索 - 百度文库 15 16 17 18 19 20 [i] eer ear ea ere [] ear air ere beer deerear\ near \idea\ here pear bear \chair air\ where hour tour\ flower shower that this those these though sheep shoulder ship shoe she child chicken china chair catch teach [u] our ower [] th [∫] sh [] ch 22 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/c1389fc7487302768e9951e79b89680202d86bc8.html