Lesson 3 [ə:][ə]发音技巧与训练 中元音【 ə:】的发音技巧 发音方法描述: 舌身平放, 舌中部稍抬起, 口型微张, 双唇较紧张,呈扁平状,声带振动,该音为长元音,不宜太短。 发音联想: 这个音类似于汉语拼音中的e或汉字:“饿”,但是发音时间较长。 拼读规则 发 [ә:]这个音的字母和字母组合: ir: first bird girl thirsty sir ur: nurse hurt fur church or: work worker word world er: her certain term person ear: early earth search learn 拼读训练 根据发音规则,圈出每组中元音字母组合发音相同的两个单词。 1.thirty beer thirsty wheat 2. bank king her nurse 3.turtle bird rabbit knee 4.room run shirt term 单词精读练习 word[wә:d]单词 bird[bә:d]鸟 work[wә:k]工作 nurse[nә:s]护士 shirt[ʃә:t]衬衫 early['ә:li]早的 earth[ә:θ] 地球 her[hә:]她的 girl[gә:l]女孩 first[fә:st]第一 短语速读练习 1.work in a church 2.a nervous nurse 3.her university 4.the worst journalist 5.happy birthday 6.learn new words 7.get up early 8.a dirty shirt 句子一口气快读练习 1.She wears a dirty skirt. 2.They returned to the church. 3.This German is thirsty. 4.It's a perfect world. 5.A bird in hand is worth two in the bush. 绕口令口腔肌肉练习 When the murmur and chirp of the early bird is first heard by the earthworm,it squirms in the earth nervously. 当蚯蚓最初听到早起的鸟儿声音或低或高地鸣叫时,它在土里面不安地蠕动。 中元音【ə】的发音技巧与训练 发音方法描述: 发音时舌身放平,舌中部抬起,舌尖卷曲使得尾音r化,口型微张,双唇扁平。【ә】在词首或词中时发得较模糊,但在词尾时,应当适当延长。 发音联想: 这个音和汉语中了(le)或么(me)的韵母e的发音相似,但发音较长。 拼读规则 发【ә】的字母与字母组合有: o:today polite tomorrow tonight a:about again China banana er:river ruler letter over or:doctor forget monitor 拼读训练 [ә] [ ә'gәu] [sistә] ['a:ftә] [ә'wei] [leitә] [nәt] ['rʌbә] ['eiʃә] ['ʃugә] 单词精读练习 ago[ә'gәu] 以前 worker[wә:kә] 工人 sofa['sәufә] 沙发 banana[bә'na:nә] 香蕉 mother['mʌðә] 母亲 later['leitә] 后来的 actor[æktә] 演员 sugar['ʃugә] 糖 computer[kәm'pju:tә] 电脑 短语速读练习 1.around seven o'clock 2.a Canadian woman 3.forget to see the doctor 4.manager of the company 5.on another occasion 句子一口气快读练习 1.The picture of the painter is a failure. 2.My younger sister is a doctor. 3.Helen will arrive here at seven tomorrow. 4.The driver's younger brother is going to Canada next Saturday. 5.My father and mother love each other very much. 绕口令口腔肌肉练习 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/c177df8bfbb069dc5022aaea998fcc22bcd143db.html