关于小学五年级上册英语手抄报的图片模板 关于小学五年级上册英语手抄报图片1 关于小学五年级上册英语手抄报图片2 关于小学五年级上册英语手抄报图片3 关于小学五年级上册英语手抄报图片4 关于小学五年级上册英语手抄报图片5 关于小学五年级上册英语手抄报图片6 关于小学五年级上册英语手抄报的资料 一、英语笑话 My friend and I were busy mending fences when my house-keeper arrived. Several times during the day, she drove out, returning 45 minutes later. Feeling curious, my friend asked her: "Where do you keep going?" "Some darn birds built a nest in my car bumper1!" she exclaimed2. "Every two hours I have to go home because the parents are waiting go feed their young. I wish they'd hurry up and raise those kids." 我和我的朋友正在忙着修篱笆,这时候,我的管家也来了。在这一天中,她开车出去了好几次,每次都是四十分钟后回来,我的朋友感到很奇怪,于是问她: “你总出去干什么?” “一些该死的鸟在我的汽车保险杠上出了筑一个巢,”她说,“我必须每隔两小时回一趟家,不然那些大鸟就会等在那里喂它的小鸟,我真希望它们快点把她们的孩子喂大。” 二、英语故事 The new year had almost arrived, and the Toy Kingdom planned to invite everyone to a grand ball. The day of the dance, the toys were all dancing and laughing, and the whole ballroom was extraordinarily lively. But off in one corner, receiving no attention from anyone, there was an old purple doll silently gazing at the dance floor, her eyes were blank and she looked lonely. Just then, a white polar bear in front of her saw this, walked over and asked the dependable old doll, “Doll, why don’t you go dance?” The dependable doll lowered her head sadly, saying in a small voice, “The [other] toys all say I’m too short, they’re not willing to dance with me.” Saying this, she began to cry. Polar Bear was furious when he heard this, and said: “How could they treat you this way? Don’t they understand solidarity? That’s just too much!” Little Bear pulled on the baby doll’s hand, and said: “Doll, don’t be sad. Come on, I’m asking you to dance with me.” The dependable doll heard these words, and a brilliant smile immediately lit up her face. She quickly wiped the tears off her face and said happily, “Wonderful! Wonderful!” On the dance floor, Doll and Bear danced and laughed, and passed a lovely evening together. 新年快到了,玩具王国决定举行一场盛大的舞会,准备邀请全国的玩具都来参加。舞会那天,玩具们都不停地跳着、笑着,整个舞场热闹非凡。可是在一个角落里,谁也没有注意到,有一只紫色的香草娃娃正一声不吭地望着舞池,她的眼神呆呆的,显得十分孤独。这时,一只小白熊正好从她面前经过,它看到了这一切,就走过去问香草娃娃:“娃娃,你为什么不去跳舞呢?”香草娃娃难过地低下了头,轻轻地说:“玩具们都嫌我个子小,不愿意请我跳舞。”说完流下了眼泪。小白熊听了很气愤,说:“他们怎么能这样对待你呢?难道他们不懂得要团结友爱吗!太过分了!”小白熊拉起香草娃娃的手,说,“娃娃,不要难过了。走,我请你跳舞。”香草娃娃听了这话,脸上顿时露出了灿烂的笑容,她连忙擦掉脸上的泪水,高兴地说:“太好了!太好了!”娃娃和小白熊在舞池里又跳又笑,一起度过了一个愉快的夜晚。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/c1bd59d125fff705cc1755270722192e453658ce.html