客房价目表/Room Tariff 人民币(RMB) 单人房(17间) Deluxe room 480 商务房(60间) Executive room 660 标准房(58间) Standard Room 680 商务套房(9间) Executive Suite 980 额外加床 xtra bed 100 以上所有价格需另加收10%服务费。(除额外加床) All extra bed) rate are subject to 10% service charge. (Except 十二岁以下儿童如与父母同住而不需加床者,不另收费。 Children under 12 years old, sharing room with parents in existing bedding, are free of charge. 各大主要信用卡均可通用。 Major credit cards accepted. 酒店正常入住时间为14:00整。 Check-in time is 2:00pm. 酒店退房时间为12:00整。 Check-out time is 12:00noon 所有订房如无保证,将保留至18:00整。 All guarantee. reservations will be held until 6:00pm unless 价格如有更改,恕不另行通知。 Rates are subject to without prior notice 【行政楼层/Administration floor】 客房价目表/Room Tariff 人民币(RMB) 单人房 Deluxe room 550 商务房 Executive room 680 标准房 Standard Room 718 商务套房 Executive Suite 1180 总统套房(1间) Presidential Suite 6800 额外加床 xtra bed 100 入住行政楼层的宾客享有以下优惠: 特快入住/退房服务。 Experss check-in and check-out service. 免费享用下午茶(2:30pm---5:30pm) Complimentary afternoon tea. 免费赠送果篮一个。 Free fruitbasket upon arrival. 免费派送当天报纸。 Daily newspaper. 延迟退房时间至16:00(视订房情况而定)。 Extended availability. check-out time till 4:00pm subject to 免费使用健身中心两小时。 Free access to Health Center. 商务中心九折优惠。 10%discount for business service. 免费代收传真。 No charge for incoming fax. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/c1e82515bd64783e09122b83.html