酒店纪念品价目表 Hotel souvenirs price list 如果阁下想购买以下酒店用品作为纪念品,酒店客房部可以为您安排,我们将把这些费用计到您的账单上,在阁下离店时一并支付。 If you want to buy the following hotel supplies as a souvenir, the hotel housekeeping department can arrange for you, we will put the charge on your bill, pay when you check-out. 欲咨询详情,请拨“0” 与酒店联系。 For details, please dial "0" Contact the hotel. 物品 Description 浴巾 bath towel 地巾 foot towel 面巾 facial towel 方巾 squares 浴袍 bathrobe 衣架 hanger 服务夹指南 钥匙卡 key card 吹风机 A hair dryer 吹风机布袋 Hair dryer bag 遥控器套 Theremotecontrol 单位 unit 单价 物品 单位 unit 单价 Pricein RMB 300 Pricein RMB Description 80 被子 quilt 被套 quilt case 床单 The sheets 枕芯 Pillow core 枕套 pillowcase 保护垫 Protect mat 床裙 Bed skirt 毛巾筐 Thetowebasket 防毒面罩 Gas masks 红酒杯 Red wine glass 漱口杯 gargle 60 300 50 150 30 60 200 40 20 150 80 200 50 80 200 200 50 50 100 20 注:墙纸、地毯、家俱等大件物品烟烫损坏,均按最低付费100元以上赔偿。 Note: wallpaper, carpets, furniture and other big-ticket items hot smoke damage, according to the lowest paid compensation of 100 yuan of above. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/c131e21f580216fc700afdd0.html