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英语说法1 flower 英语说法2 blossom 花的相关短语: 生日花 Birth flower

花蝴蝶 Butterfly ; Butterfly Jolin ; Missoni ; 月光花 Ipomoea alba 花烟草 Nicotiana alata

炮仗花 Pyrostegia venusta ; Liane aurore ; Pyrostegiaignea ; Pyrostegia ignea presl

藏掖花 Chardon béni ; Cnicus ; cnicus ; benedictus 花的英语例句:

1. The avenues lined with jacaranda trees burst into a carnival of purple.

大街的两旁种着蓝花楹,绽放的花朵汇成一片紫色的海洋。 2. The square was packed, and the cobbled streets flowed with coloured petals.

广场上挤满了人,鹅卵石铺就的街道上满是五颜六色的花朵。 3. This helps to ripen new growth and makes it flower profusely.


4. It had a high ceiling, ornamented with plaster fruits and flowers.


5. Neatly trim away old flowers on shrubs. 把灌木丛上枯萎的花朵整齐地修剪掉。

6. Prune rambling roses when the flowers have faded. 花朵凋谢后要剪除杂生的玫瑰枝。

7. Many of the patterns show brilliantly coloured flowers. 许多图案上都有色彩绚丽的花朵。

8. The most important parts, the flowers, rarely fossilise. 最重要的部分,即花朵,很少成为化石。

9. The bright flowers and warm winds announced that spring was here.


10. Her dress has pink flowers on a white background. 她的衣服白底子上有粉红花朵.

11. Frosts spoil the last of the flowers. 霜冻冻坏了最后一批花朵.

12. In this poem the budding flower means youth. 在这首诗里含苞欲放的花朵是指青春. 13. Just smell these sweet flowers! 请闻闻这些芬芳的花朵!

14. The air was scented with spring flowers. 空气中充满了春天花朵的芳香. 15. Bees gather nectar from flowers. 蜜蜂从花朵上采集花蜜.
