如对您有帮助,请购买打赏,谢谢您! 鲜花用英语怎么说 广义的鲜花卉可指一切具有观赏价值的植物繁殖器官,而狭义上则单指所有的开花植物。除了作为被子植物的繁殖器官,鲜花还一直广受人们的喜爱和使用,主要用于美化环境、人际交往,而且还作为一种食物来源。那么你知道鲜花用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。 flower fresh flower 鲜花的英语例句: 房子里装点着鲜花。 The house was decked with flowers. 国际花商联盟,鲜花速递服务机构 Interflora, the flower delivery service 他们头戴用夏季鲜花编成的花环。 They wore garlands of summer flowers in their hair. 她用鲜花装饰卧室。 She decorated her bedroom with flowers. 我可以闻到雨后鲜花的清香。 I can smell the fragrance of flowers after showers. 你可以去鲜花店给您的太太买一些鲜花。你可以去鲜花店给您的太太买一些鲜花。 You may go to the flower shop and buy some fresh 如对您有帮助,请购买打赏,谢谢您! flowers for your wife. 通常一提起春天我们就联想到阳光和鲜花。 We usually connect spring with sunshine and flowers. 摘要在我国,鲜花制作点心有着悠久的历史。 China has a long history in making refreshments from flowers. 整个上午,饰有美丽鲜花的花圈和十字架蜂拥而入。 All the morning wreaths and crosses of beautiful flowers had poured in. 我用鲜花装饰房间。 I ornamented my room with flowers. 他们奖给优胜者一些水果和鲜花。 They rewarded the winners with gifts of fruits and flowers. 我给他们送去鲜花表示感谢。 I sent them flowers as an expression of thanks. 大厅里装饰着鲜花。 The hall was adorned with flowers. 又一个仰慕者送来的一束鲜花 A bunch of flowers sent by a new admirer 两边是修剪整齐的树篱和开满鲜花的花园的宁静街道 A quiet street of clipped hedges and flowering 如对您有帮助,请购买打赏,谢谢您! Gardens柯林斯例句库 巧克力、鲜花等礼物在允许之列。 Gifts like chocolates or flowers are allowed. 四周种有鲜花和灌木的大片草地 A large lawn edged with flowers and shrubs 饰有鲜花图案的骨瓷 Bone china patterned with flowers 彩旗和鲜花把公园装饰得十分绚丽。 The park was gaily decorated with bunting and flowers. 我们只需要做一些细节处理,新的豪华度假酒店就能大功告成,比如在大堂里放置一架大钢琴,在每间客房放几束鲜花。 To complete the luxurious new resort hotel, all that was needed were a few finishing touches such as a grand piano in the lobby and bouquets of fresh flowers in each guest's room. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/3d5c7988b5daa58da0116c175f0e7cd185251877.html