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英语单词forward不仅仅只有一种用法的,我们要知道它各种用法具体的中文意思。以下是店铺为大家整理了英语forward的几种中文意思,一起来看看吧! forward的中文意思

[ˈfɔ:wəd] [ˈfɔ:rwərd]


副词 向前; 前进地; 至将来; 提前地

形容词 向前方的; 迅速的; (社会、政治)进步的; 早熟的 及物动词 促进,助长; (按新地址)转寄; 发送 名词 前锋 例句

1. She made a forward remark. 她讲了一句冒昧的话。

2. The child is very forward at walking. 这孩子很早就会走路了。 forward的词典解释

1. 朝前;向前

If you move or look forward, you move or look in a direction that is in front of you. In British English, you can also move or look forwards .

e.g. He came forward with his hand out. 'Mr and Mrs Selby?' he enquired...

他走上前去伸出手来。“是塞尔比先生和夫人吗?”他问道。 e.g. She fell forwards on to her face... 她一头栽倒在地。 2. 靠近前面;在前面

Forward means in a position near the front of something such as a building or a vehicle.

e.g. The best seats are in the aisle and as far forward as possible...


e.g. The other car had a 3-inch lower driving seat and had its engine mounted further forward.

另外一辆车的驾驶座椅低了3英寸,引擎更加靠前。 3. (尤指在轮船或飞机上)靠近…前面的,在…前面的

If one thing is forward of another, especially on a ship or aircraft, the first thing is in front of the second thing or further ahead.

e.g. Forward of the main cabin are the guest cabins... 主舱前面是客舱。

e.g. Sixty-one small parachute symbols were painted on the left side just forward of the wing.

61 个小降落伞的标志被绘在左翼的正前面。 4. 向前();向将来()

If you say that someone looks forward, you approve of them because they think about what will happen in the future and plan for it. In British English, you can also say that someone looks forwards .

e.g. Now the leadership wants to look forward, and to outline a strategy for the rest of the century...

现在领导层想要展望未来,为本世纪余下的时间勾画出战略纲要。 e.g. People should forget and look forwards... 人们应该忘记过去向前看。 forward的情景对话


AI have a letter of introduction here.
