贷款市场报价利率 loan prime rate The People's Bank of China ( PBOC ) announced Sunday that it will replace the loan benchmark interest rate with the loan prime rate (LPR) as a benchmark for setting the interest rate of newly issued commercial individual housing loans. 中国人民银行周日宣布,将以贷款市场报价利率( LPR)代替贷款基准 利率,作为新发放商业性个人住房贷款利率的基准。 【名词解释】 贷款市场报价利率(loan prime rate ,简称LPR)是指由各报价行根 据其对最优质客户执行的贷款利率( lending rates for their best submit customers ) ,按照公开市场操作利率加点形成的方式报价( their LPR quotations based on what they have bid for PBOC liquidity in open market operations 银行间同业拆借中心( 出并发布的利率。 ) ,由中国人民银行授权全国 National Interbank Loans Center )计算得 目前,商业银行实行的存贷款利率是根据央行公布的存贷款基准利率 ( benchmark deposit and lending rate )制定的。 Starting from Oct. 8, the interest rate of newly issued commercial individual housing loans will be based on lastest month's LPR of the corresponding term, while certain basis points will be added, the PBOC said in a statement. Housing loan contracts already inked or in implementation will not be affected by the new rules. 中国人民银行在一份声明中说,从 10 月 8 日起,新发放的商业性个人 住房贷款利率将以最近一个月相应期限的贷款市场报价利率( LPR)为 基础,同时增加一定的基点。 受新规的影响。 已经签订或正在执行的住房贷款合同将不 定价基准转换后, 全国范围内新发放首套个人住房贷款利率不得低于相 应期限 LPR( the housing loan interest rate for first-time buyers should not be lower than the LPR of the corresponding term , 按 8 月 20 日 5 年期以上 不得低于相应期限 ) LPR 计算为 4.85% ;二套个人住房贷款利率 LPR 计 ( at LPR 加 60 个基点 (按 8 月 20 日 5 年期以上 算为 5.45% ) , 与当前我国个人住房贷款实际最低利率水平基本相当 the same level of the current lowest personal mortgage loan rate ) 。 公告表示,人民银行省一级分支机构应按照“因城施策”原则,在国家 统一的信贷政策基础上, 根据当地房地产市场形势变化,确定辖区内首 套和二套商业性个人住房贷款利率加点下限( a basis point addition floor will be decided based on the development of local property markets ) 。银行业金融机构应根据加点下限合理确定每笔 贷款的具体加点数值。 Interest rate policies for individual housing loans via one's housing provident fund will stay unchanged. 个人住房公积金贷款利率政策不变。 央行有关负责人表示,这一调整是为了落实好“房子是用来住的,不是 用来炒的( housing is for living in, not for speculation ) ”定位和房地产市场长效管理机制( a long-term management mechanism for the real estate market ) ,确保定价基准平稳有序转换,维护借 贷双方合法权益。 【相关词汇】 加息周期 interest rate hike cycle 注入流动性 inject liquidity 货币政策工具 monetary policy tools 存款准备金率 reserve requirement ratio ( RRR) 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/c5ea08a4af02de80d4d8d15abe23482fb5da02c4.html