英文新年贺卡图片 新年将至,马上又要迎接新的一年,新年贺卡你准备好了吗,想不想用英语来写贺卡,送给你喜欢和喜欢你的人呢? 英文新年贺卡图片 Happy New Year to One of My Favorite People!/Happy New Year! Wishing you and yours the best life can offer. ‘’亲爱的朋友新年快乐!愿生活如你所愿!‘’这两句话作为卡片封面,瞬间提高逼格。 致朋友:To a very special person that has gone through so much this last year, I wish you the happiest year ahead possible! 致在过去这一年陪我历经无数的.最特别的你,愿你新的一年幸福满满! 上司对下属:Thank you for all you have done this past year. Happy New Year! 感谢大家今年的付出。新年快乐! 致老板:Happy New Year to My Wonderful Boss! 祝我最赞的老板新年快乐!致邻居:Wishing Our Wonderful Neighbors, a Very Happy New Year!祝我们最好的邻居新年快乐! 致长久不联系的同学同事:While we don't see or talk that often, I wanted you to know you are in my heart and thoughts this New Years Eve! Happy New Year! 虽然我们不常见面,也不常交流,但我想让你知道,新年前夜,我满心都是你!新年快乐! 致志同道合的朋友:As we look back over the last year, we are so happy for what we have learned, how we have grown, and thankful for all we have. Looking forward with you to the New Year ahead! Happy New Year. 回顾这一年,我们乐于所学,欣与所长,感于所有。期待与你共度新的一年!新年快乐! 致伴侣:No matter what the New Year may have in store, know that I am here for you through it all! Happy New Year. 不论新的一年岁月如何变幻,我会一直陪伴你左右!新年快乐。 致家人:To the best Parents (Mom, Dad, Aunt, Uncle) I could ever ask for, Happy New Year to You! 致世界上最好的父母,(妈妈、爸爸、阿姨、叔叔)祝您新年快乐! 结尾:Happy New Year! Its a time for making your dreams come true - Wishing you the best! 新年快乐!祝你心想事成——在此献上最美好的新年祝福! 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/c653c1f9f32d2af90242a8956bec0975f565a4f4.html