短用英语怎么说 短指两端之间的距离小(跟‘长’相对)。如:你夜里可要多留心啊,要是短下什么东西,你可得赔哪那么你知道短用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。 短英语说法1 short 短英语说法2 brief 短的英语例句: 人生苦短,岁月易逝(人生短暂,时光匆匆)。 Life is short and time is swift. 他们目前正在西班牙休短假。 They are currently taking a short break in Spain. 这条裤子被改成了短裤。 This pair of pants was converted into shorts. 干旱少雨使原本就很严重的粮食短缺问题更加严重。 The lack of rain aggravated the already serious shortage of food. 我们电影放映中途做了短暂的休息。 We had a short intermission halfway through a film. 为长期发展而牺牲短期利润是公司的方针。 It's the company's policy to sacrifice short-term profits for the sake of long-term growth. 因为她头发短,所以没有束发夹。 She has no hairpin because her hair is short. 比如对于短租来说,ZipCar的10美元/小时就是最高的了。 For short-term rentals, it 's Zipcar' s$ 10/ hour prices. 手术本身耗时短且没有痛苦。 The operation itself is a brief, painless procedure. 她的短上衣放在时装店里,要做些改动。 Her jacket was at the boutique waiting for alteration. 文章虽短,但很重要。 The article is very important though it is short. 他正在环礁湖里与一只短吻鳄搏斗。 He was grappling with an alligator in a lagoon. 它粗短的尾巴上鬃毛浓密。 It has a short stumpy tail covered with bristles. 这辆轿车比原先的车型短了约40毫米。 The car is some 40mm shorter than its predecessor. 短重索赔是由包装破损或装运短重引起的。 Claim on p shortweight is caused by packing damage or shortloing. 调度程序快速运行短进程,以尽可能缩短可察觉的延迟。 The scheduler runs short processes quickly to minimize perceptible delay. 从网页上转存文本时,往往会出现许多短行,格式也乱了。 When text is saved from a Web page, it is often very badly formatted with many short lines. 它的亮点是一段独舞,一名身穿短罩衫的女子以哑剧形式优雅地表演了许多做家务的动作。 It featured a solo dance in which a woman in a short overall mimed a lot of dainty housework. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/c7151d126f85ec3a87c24028915f804d2b168715.html