
时间:2023-03-13 14:00:26 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Paris, the first time I became familiar with Paris was in front of that 14-inch non-TV set, when I was a child, Paris was like a beautiful big flower bed in my eyes, which fascinated me. With the increase of age, it is not only the beauty of Paris that attracts me, but also the cultural charm of Paris.

The beauty of Paris, I saw on television, felt it from the article. The golden palace of Versailles is so grand and magnificent under a specific lens, beautiful and beautiful, I always obsessively hope that one day, I can be in the exotic palace. "The Bridge of Paris" is a simple and full of emotions of the small text, the shape of the Bridge of Paris carrying a legendary story, hitting my heart. There is also the magnificent triumphal arch, the TV tower in the sky... The view of Paris is intoxicating.

Paris is not only beautiful, but also rich in cultural connotations. It has the reputation of "Art City" and "Fashion City", which makes me even more fascinated. Paris has come out of many stars in the art world, and there are many literati and scholars who have been

based in Paris. In the 15th century, Leonardo da Vinci completed his monumental Mona Lisa in Paris; In the 20th century, Paris came out of China's first symphonic musician Xian Xinghai; The representative of classical literature, Molière, the mouthpiece of French Romantic literature Hugo, the realist literature of Balzac, they came from France, and left many immortal works for everyone. Fashion, when this new term was written into people's dictionaries, Paris was quick to emerge as a "fashion capital", and more than a few supermodels gathered at the Paris stretch to explain a new point of view of beauty. A few more art festivals, held in Paris under this kana, attracted a lot of eager eyes, but also attracted my little heart.

Paris is the most beautiful city I have ever seen!
