
时间:2022-12-28 19:14:38 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


Once upon a time there was a king who had been married for many years without a child. The king and the queen prayed to the LORD every day and begged them to give them a child. Once, Queen bath, a frog from the water climb out, to her said: "quack, you wish to real, you will soon have a girl." Sure enough, soon the queen was pregnant, nine months after the birth of a very beautiful girl, the king was very happy, decided to hold a grand banquet to celebrate. He invited friends and relatives, but also invited the women to predict the family. The 13 a seeress, but a banquet they eat gold plate only twelve, so they have a person not being invited, stay in the home.


Luxurious banquet atmosphere is very warm, at the end, attend the banquet of twelve Sibyl have sent their children to the best greeting, wish she speaks "morals", hope she wishes her to have "wealth", "beautiful". When the eleventh has just finished her speech, it hasn't been invited to the Sibyl came in, angrily said: "the princess was fifteen years old, was a spindle prick your finger, and fell to the ground dead, this is my speech." Finished, turned and walked away. Everyone was shocked, this is. That is not to say his speech of the twelve Sibyl walk came, she although cannot cancel the wicked spell, but can to mitigate them, she said: "I wish the princess fall is not dead, but sleeping for a hundred years."


In order to make the king's beloved daughter from misfortune, ordered the burning of spindle. The princess grew up, as the women of the prophet hoped, beautiful, intelligent, gentle. When she was almost fifteen, one day, the king and queen something out, a little princess in the palace. She wanted to see all around the room. Finally she came to an old clock tower, as if there was a mysterious force to attract her, so that she would like to go up and see. She walked up the narrow stairs, came to a small door before. She gently touched, you can open the door, there sat an old woman, holding a spindle, is spinning. The princess said:

"Hello, old mother, what are you doing?"" The old woman said: "I am in the spin. You see, it's interesting. Would you like to try it?" The little princess didn't think what is dangerous, stretched out his hand for the spindle. So, the spell, the spindle poked Princess fingers, she immediately fell asleep in bed.


The princess fell to the moment, sleeping sickness will infect the whole palace, and all the people and animals are to stop the movement, heavy sleep. The king and the queen came back from the outside, and the king and the queen fell asleep. Everything is still, even the leaves on the tree in front of the palace, but also motionless.


Soon, around the palace long up the rose tree fence, the fence which grows higher. Finally, the entire palace cover tightly, from the outside can not see the, but about sleeping beauty's legend has been in the domestic spread. Often there is a prince from another country, who wants to go through the rose fence to the king's palace. But the rose tree vines like hands, wrapped tightly, don't want to go through. The prince is the rose vines, and also can not get away, finally died miserably. Gradually, every person has to take a risk.


One hundred years have passed. On this day, a prince came to this country, he heard the story of sleeping beauty, and immediately to see her. They advised him not to go, he told many Prince rose was dead with a fence. But the prince is not afraid, determined to go to adventure.


The prince approached the rose fence, see the fence in full bloom is big and beautiful flowers, those flowers in front of him is automatically separated, to set aside a way, the prince went inside fence and
