求职 To Whom It May Concern, I have learnt from yesterday’s newspaper that you are 我从昨天的报纸,知道你在招聘——。 employing . I wish to be considered as an applicant for the 我希望被认为是申请人的位置,和我的资格如下: position, and beg to state my qualifications as follows: I am years old, a major student of 我今年多大,是—专业的大学生 University / College. During my academic years, I have 在我的学术期间,我都有良好的 shown excellent performance and have been awarded first-class 个人表现 , 年年都拿奖学金 scholarship each year. In addition to my educational background, I have 除了我的教育背景,我有丰富的——领域的工作 the rich work experience in the fields of . Therefore, I believe I 经验。因此,我相信我对贵公司的价值。 can be of value to your company. Enclosed is my resume for your reference, and I shall be glad to call at your office if you desire an interview. Thank you. 随函附上我的简历供您参考,如果你想要面试我很乐意去办公室拜访你。谢谢你! Yours sincerely, 申请信 模板1: To Whom It May Concern, I would like to apply for the master’s program in department of your university, an opportunity that I have dreamed since . 我想申请你们大学的硕士学位,是我__时候的梦想的机会。 To briefly introduce myself, I am a senior student majoring in 简单的自我介绍下, 我是什么专业的大学毕业生 from University. During my undergraduate study I have demonstrated excellent academic ability, which is reflected in my grades and accomplishment. 在我的成绩和成就反映出我本科优秀的学术能力。I have attached to this letter my resume, a complete transcript, and three recommendation letters.我在这封信附有我的简历,一个完整的成绩单,和三个推荐信。 I would greatly appreciate it if you could kindly consider my application. If you require more information, please feel free to contact me at 联系方式 . 如果你能请考虑我的申请我将非常感谢。如果您需要更多信息,请随时联系我1383838438. Looking forwards to your reply.期待您的来信 Yours sincerely, 感谢信 模板1: Dear , I should like this message to be taken as an expression of heartfelt gratitude to you and . 我以这个信息作为表达衷心的感谢你和__。If it had not been for your assistance in giving me aid and , I fear that . 如果没有你给我的及时的帮助,我恐怕我····During the , you have given me generous help and continuous guidance by .在···期间,你通过···给我慷慨的帮助和连续指导 Thus, I really appreciate , and I hope that I may repay your kindness by . 因此,我很感谢您的···,我希望我能通过···报答你的好意。 Finally, I feel most obliged to thank you once more.最后,我不得不 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/ca53ef333b3567ec102d8a8d.html