小作文写作系列之一 句子是英文写作的基础,没有句子,文段就无从谈起。而对于小作文,特别对于雅思常考的图表题,柱形图,曲线图和饼状图,句型句式的掌握尤为重要。笔者总结了雅思小作文的五种常用句型。 存在句型 There was … 时间作主语 1980 Witnessed/saw ... 变化趋势作主语 A dramatic took place/happened ... 变化主体作主语 The divorce rate undergo/experience/ sharply went up to/ 数据源作主语 The table shows the changes in the number of... 具体应用: The average walking distance of people dropped from 255 miles in 1985 to 237 miles in 2000. 存在句型:There was a drop from 255 miles in 1985 to 237 miles in 2000 in the average walking distance 时间作主语:The period between 1985 and 2000 witnessed a drop in the average walking distance of people from 255 miles to 237 miles. 变化趋势作主语: A drop in the average walking distance of people from 255 miles to 237 miles happened during the period from 1985 to 2000. 变化主体作主语: The average walking distance of people experienced a drop from 255 miles in 1985 to 237 miles in 2000. 数据源作主语: The graph shows a drop in the average walking distance of people from 255 miles in 1985 to 237 miles in 2000. 通过不断的改写和完善,一旦掌握以上五种句型的,写小作文不愁无话可讲,句式的丰富和多变 前一篇提到小作文需具备的五种句式,还需要将句子和句子连接起来,这里涉及到一些经典的逻辑关系词,包括 while(然而),but(但是),however(然而),more ...than ... (多于),less ... than...(少于),incontrast to,by comparsion with等等诸如此类的单词和词组。 对这一类逻辑关系的深刻理解是应用的关键。下面是一个例子: The guy is stronger than pig. 这个就是对比关系,the guy的特征就是比猪强壮,要知道是不是the guy就拎只猪过来,放眼观望,瘦不拉吉的就是猪,而那个肥头大耳的就是the guy。这就是对比关系,告诉the guy的特征,而且是相对特征。图表题中,图形和图形放在一起,构成的也就是相对的比较,要反映他们的特征,采用对比关系表述,用范伟的话说,那个是必需的啊。所以小作文句子连接第一步就是对比关系。下面是一些例子,仅供参考。 from 1950 onwards, industrial use grew steadily to just over 1,000 km3, while domestic use rose more slowly to only 300 km3。 The second chart shows that as compared with the situation in 1970, American adults' marital status underwent dramatic changes. In 1970 and 1980, there was equal number of marriages in USA, both being 2.5 million. However, divorces were as high as 1 million and 1.4 million respectively. 其中more than和in contrast to,by comparison with属于句中对比,而but,however属于句子之间的对比,如果此时前后句式能加以变化,表达效果立马就会显示出来。 小作文句式和对比关系前面两篇已经提过了,小作文练到这个程度最需要突破的不是不知道怎么写出巨资,而是先写什么后写什么的问题了,如何使文章显得结构清晰、条理清楚的问题了。这个需要从小作文写作思路上下手,也就是小作文的分类和排序问题。前面的写句子相比,显然要求对烤鸭们的分析问题能力要求更高。下面是几种分类和排序方式,仅供参考。 1.从极值点分类: In terms of the support obtained from employers, we see that the period of 30-39 age division is a clear-cut dividing line. (极值分界线)Before reaching this age division, the time off and help with fees offered by employers account for as high as 60%. (到达极值点之前)However, after this dividing line, this kind of sponsoring drops to 30% and then, with the increase in age, this percentage begins to climb again, rising to 40% with the oldest age group as is shown in the chart. (极值点之后) 2. 按性质分类,按大小排序 In 1932, 25% of people between the ages of 16 and 65 were unemployed. (失业)Of those who had a job, (就业)the largest percentage of the population (45%) worked in the industrial sector, followed by those in the service sector ,which was 15% and those in agriculture and fishing (12%). Only 3% of the population was employed by the government.(就业类分为三类) 3.按增减趋势分类 As we look at the other chart, we see that the percentages of those who were determined not to be in a marriage and those who chose to end their marriages by divorce in 2000 were both higher than figures in 1970. The two groups of figures are 20%:14% and 9%:3% respectively. (2000年高于1970年组)In terms of the other two categories, namely, married and widowed, the figures for 1970 were higher than those for 2000 and they are 70%:60% and 8%:3% respectively.(2000年低于1970年组) 4. 复杂的大小排序 a. The country with the highest GDP per capita (13,000 USD) is The Bahamas. following that, Argentina takes the second place, accounting for 9100 USD. As for those lie in the middle, Brazil, Mexico and Surinam each cover GDP per capita of 4900 USD, 4300 USD and 3700 USD respectively. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/dc995709f78a6529647d5361.html