摘要的类型(Types of Abstract) 一、评论性摘要(Critical abstract) 此类摘要可用于综述类文体,内容上侧重于评价、论理。 Acute tubulointerstitial nephritis (ATIN) is a common disorder characterized by a spectrum of clinical manifestations ranging from asymptomatic urinary abnormalities to acute oliguric renal failure. Tubular dysfunction out of proportion to the degree of renal failure is an important clue to the diagnosis. This review describes its pathogenesis, pathophysiology, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapy, emphasizing the drug-induced form of ATIN. 二、说明性摘要(Descriptive abstract) 又称指示性或通报性摘要(Indicative abstract),主要说明文章的内容范围,简单报道研究主题,不涉及具体内容。 Angiographically monitored clinical trials of antilipidemic therapy have demonstrated that the progression of atherosclerosis may be slowed or even reversed. The clinical benefit observed in these trials strengthens the rationale for aggressive therapy in patients with known atherosclerotic disease. Additionally, these trials have provided further insight on the basis of clinical events and the risk factors associated with progression. 三、资料性摘要(Informative abstract) 资料性摘要的内容较之说明性摘要要具体、丰富得多,可以按IMRAD(Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion)格式写,且要写出关键性数据。这种摘要可以说是文章的微型化。 Postoperative bleeding is usually attributed to stress ulcer; however, occult preoperative lesions could also be responsible(背景). To determine their frequency and nature, we prospectively examined 72 patients endoscopically prior to major elective operations. Entry criteria included a planned stay in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit... 四、资料-指示性摘要(Informative-indicative abstract) 融资料和指示性摘要为一体,内容更完整。以上都是传统性摘要(traditional abstract)。 四、结构式摘要(Structured abstract) 结构式摘要具有内容完整、层次清楚、一目了然的优点,重要内容完整。结构式摘要包括四个部分: 1、目的(Objective):简要说明研究的目的和提出问题的缘由,表明研究的范围和重要性; 2、方法(Methods):简要说明研究课题的基本设计、使用了什么材料和方法、研究范围、数据是如何取得的以及用何种统计方法处理; 3、结果(Results):简要列出研究的主要结果和数据,有什么新发现等; 4、结论(Conclusion):简要说明根据研究结果形成的理论、观点、它们的价值及局限性,是否可推荐、推广或需要更深入的研究等。 Objective To determine if susceptibility to Beheet's disease(BD) is 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/caafc13c81c4bb4cf7ec4afe04a1b0717fd5b341.html