六年级上册英语试题-Review 2 阶段测试卷(含答案)广东开心英语

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Review2 阶段测试卷


1. 捡垃圾 __________ 3. 在地板上__________ 5. 种许多树 __________ 7. stay with my aunt __________ 9. water flowers __________

2. 保持清洁 __________ 4. 来自广州 __________ 6. swim in the lake __________ 8. the weather in Beijing __________ 10. feed pigs and chickens __________

二、根据括号中的中文意思,完成下列句子。 1. The room is_______ (肮脏的) and _______ (凌乱的). 2. His shoes are _______ (干净的) today. 3. Tom _______ (参观) a zoo yesterday morning. 4. It wasn’t _______ (下雪的) here last year. 5. The students _______ () to music yesterday. 三、用括号中单词的适当形式,完成下列句子。 1. Her classroom _______ (be) dirty this morning. 2. Can you _______ (make) it tidy? 3. Mr. Smith _______ (come) from Canada. 4. ---Where _______ your sister last Sunday? ---She _______ (be) in Guangzhou.

5. --- Did you_______ (buy) anything in the supermarket yesterday? ---No, I didn’t.

6. I _______ (use) a computer that day. 7. It didn’t _______ (take) too much time.

8. ---Did the boy _______ (help) his mother this morning7 ---Yes, he _______ (do). 四、单项选择。

( ) 1. Last week, some students _______ the park.

A. clean

B. cleaned

C. cleans

( ) 2. My mother _______ me with my Chinese every day.

A. helps B. helped

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C. help

( ) 3. ---Did his sister _______ with the ball? ---Sorry, I don’t know.

A. played

B. plays

C. play

( ) 4. There _______ lots of animals at Zhongshan Zoo now.

A. are

B. were

C. is

( ) 5. The food in Thailand _______ spicy.

A. are

B. is

C. were

( ) 6. He _______ his mother this morning.

A. calls

B. call

C. called

( ) 7. ---Where did you _______? ---I went to Nanjing.

A. went

B. do

C. go




A. She washed clothes. B. Yes, it was. C. No, it isn’t. D. I was in Yancheng. E. It was snowy. F. Yes, they did.

(1) Was the living room clean?

(2) What was the weather like last week? (3) What did your sister do yesterday?

(4) Did they clean the classroom this morning? (5) Where were you last week? (6) Is the food in Fuzhou yucky?

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