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问卷英语说法1 questionnaire 问卷英语说法2 survey


问卷调查 questionnaire ; Questionnaire ; 工作问卷 job questionnaire 倾向问卷 Tendency to Forgive 态度问卷 attitude questionnaire ;

耐受问卷 Fagerstrom Tolerance Questionnaire

方式问卷 coping style questionnaire ; Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire ;

综合问卷 combination questionnaire 能力问卷 Ability Questionnaire 兴趣问卷 interest questionnaire 问卷的英语例句:

1. Answer the questionnaire overleaf. 请回答背面的问卷。

2. They sent out questionnaires to 100 schools countrywide. 他们向全国100所学校发放了问卷。

3. We ask candidates to complete a psychometric questionnaire.

我们让候选人填写一份心理测试问卷。 4. to complete a questionnaire


5. Most of the staff who responded to the questionnaire were supportive.


6. Badly written questions limit the usefulness of questionnaires.


7. Graham Fletcher was unimpressed with the idea of filling in a lengthy questionnaire.

格雷厄姆·弗莱彻对填写冗长的调查问卷这种事没什么兴趣。 8. When you have filled in the questionnaire, copy it and send the original to your employer.


9. A major addition to the earlier revisions of the questionnaire is the job requirement exercise.

之前对问卷的修改主要是增加了一些和工作要求有关的问题。 10. Use a questionnaire to survey [ find out about ] attitudes to smoking.

使用 问卷 方式调查对吸烟的意见.

11. It took me quite a while to fill out the questionnaire. 填写那份问卷花了我好长一段时间.

12. Is a questionnaire answeredby 500 people truly representative of national opinion?

一份调查问卷有500人作答,是否能真正代表全国人民的意见? 13. As for other aspects, we will sporadically hand out questionnaires.

在其他方面, 我们会偶尔发送调查问卷.

14. The approximate time to complete the parent questionnaire was 35 minutes.

