请问“名校情结”如何用英语翻译? 请问“名校情结”如何用英语翻译? 就如中国结一样 China tie 名校情结 Famous school tie 也可以向自卑情结一样 inferiority plex 名校情结 Famous school plex 请关灯如何用英语翻译 douse the glim turn off the light 例句与用法: 1. 临睡前别忘了关灯. Remember to turn out the lights before you go to bed. 2. 走时要随手关灯--以免浪费电. Don't leave the lights on it wastes electricity. 请问如何用英语翻译“没事偷着乐” Steal happiness 请问“reimbursement”如何用英语解释,翻译? 偿还,付还,赔还,赔偿,补偿。 pay back money to somebody to pay somebody back money spent for an official or approved reason or taken as a loan, or give somebody money as pensation for loss or damage 可以做"报销"解释 如何用英语翻译买三赠一 buy three and present one Buy three, get one free Buy three and get anyone free “不要避我”如何用英语翻译 Do not evade me 怎么样啊 !满意不啊 雾上桃源如何用英语翻译 Fog is hovering over Taoyuan(雾笼罩着桃源) Taoyuan is hovered over with Fog(桃源被雾笼罩着) 如何用英语翻译配电房 你好! 配电房 Transformer room 如何用英语翻译“多退少补” 多退少补 refund for any overpayment or a supplemental payment for any deficiency 请教如何用英语翻译这个句子? Even dead, I would do it until doomsday 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/cc49fd7da6e9856a561252d380eb6294dd882280.html