
时间:2022-04-10 22:02:15 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


For so many days I have been expecting for ,the trace of spring is drawing nearer ,companied by the east wind .


The world , as if ,has just woken up ,opened its eyes .the mountains have become greener ;ice has melt and water has soared to a higher height ;and particularly ,the sun ,has brought its warmer light to the earth .


Furtively, comes out the little green grasses, wherever in gardens and fields, as if they were sponge. Just to have a good ball , such as lying on the earth , playing football , etc. while the breeze caress us gently .


Peach trees, apricot trees, pear trees, are afraid of falling behind others, in their great blossom, with their respective characters.

Perfume spread in the air ,there were peaches ,apricots, and pears as if ,when you close your eyes. Under the flowers ,hundreds of thousand of bees, of all shapes ,big and small, flying there lively .Wild flowers of all kinds and shapes, cover the ground ,spread all over , like eyes and stars, blinking some times there.


It is true that, the spring breeze is not cold at all, and caresses you like mom’s hands. The taste of earth, mix with grass’s taste, and perfume of flowers are brewed together, and you can smell it. The birds, posits their nests in trees, sing beautiful verses to their honeys, in accordance with the rhythm of breeze and streams.Piccolo, which belongs to that shepherd boy, will perform good song all day.


Rain, usually lasts for two or three days, is the most common thing. But please do not get tired of it, for it looks like needles, silk, intersect together, like thin smog, bends over houses. The tree leaves are dark green, even the little grasses are very attractive. Peaceful night appears eyecatching in the evening against that faint and weak light. On the traces and stone bridges in the countryside, are people---

who are walking slowly under their umbrellas, and peasants wearing grass raincoat farming.



The spring is growing from head to feet, as if it were a baby just has fallen to the ground 春天像小姑娘,花枝招展的,笑着,走着。

the spring is walking to us with great happiness as if it were a little girl.


The spring leads us to the promising prospect in the future as if it were a robust youth with steel arms ,waist.
