欧美高级文案夏天 你是我的夏日限定。 You are my summer limit. 夏日的风吹皱了城市的喧嚣。 The summer wind ruffled the noise of the city. 有空一起去吹吹夏天的晚风吧。 Let's go to enjoy the summer breeze sometime. 想把夏天的橘子汽水 卖给颜料用完的梵高。 Trying to sell his summer orange pop to Van Gogh when he ran out of paint. 易拉罐打开的瞬间降温了整个夏天。 The moment a can is opened, it cools down the entire summer. 故事的开头是一场开学 那是夏末的味道和心动的你。 The beginning of the story is a school that is the taste of the end of the summer and heartbeat of you. 故事的开头是一场开学 那是夏末的味道和心动的你。 The beginning of the story is a school that is the taste of the end of the summer and heartbeat of you. 这个夏天 西瓜甜一点。 Watermelons are sweeter this summer. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/cd2f473bb91aa8114431b90d6c85ec3a86c28b63.html