情人节快乐英语祝福语 I am willing to change to make a rose, is closely grasped by you in the hand, reveals fragrantly for youI want to turn a chocolate, is contained gently by you in the mouth, lets you feel fragrant slides. The valentine day is joyful 我愿化作一枝玫瑰花,被你紧紧握在手里,为你吐露芬芳我想变成一块巧克力,被你轻轻含在口中,让你感觉香滑 情人节快乐 If you are Kennedy, I am your Jia Gui Lin, is you is day and night beautifulIf you are Napoleon, I am your Josephine, refuses to balk for youPrays for heavenly blessing you, the valentine day is joyful 如果你是甘乃迪,我就是你贾贵琳,为你日夜美丽如果你是拿破仑,我就是你约瑟芬,为你在所不惜祝福你,情人节快乐 Loves the rose fills the street corner, sweetheart's smiling face ripples in each quoin, inexplicably likes this original manuscript belonging to western the holiday, wishes you, the valentine day is joyful 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/cda70070e73a580216fc700abb68a98270feacfd.html