valentine翻译 1、翻译:(在2月14日常匿名寄送的)圣瓦伦廷节情人卡;(收受圣瓦伦廷节贺卡的)情人。 2、示例造句 (1)This Valentine's Day, we dissect the hidden meaning behind everything from chocolates to jewelry so you know exactly what you're getting. 翻译:在这个情人节,让我们仔细分析每一件礼物背后所隐藏的含义——从巧克力到珠宝,好让你们知道究竟你们在节日收到的是什么! (2)I don't want you to leave us. Please think about our love for you on Valentine 's Day. 翻译:我不希望你离开我们。请你在情人节里想想我们给你的爱。 (3)Make Valentine's Day a day to remember by showing your partner how much you love them. 翻译:让情人节成为向心爱的人表达深深爱意的,有纪念意义的一天。 本文来源: