
时间:2023-03-22 07:09:15 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

ROBERT Look at this webpage, Mum. It’s about ants. 妈妈,看看这个网页,是讲蚂蚁的。

KAREN Ants? Why are you looking up ants ? 蚂蚁?你查蚂蚁干啥?

ROBERT Why not? Ants are really interesting. They do really interesting things.

为什么不呢?蚂蚁很有趣,它们做的事业非常有趣? KAREN What kind of things ? 比如呢?

ROBERT Well, they usually live in dry place. But they can survive under water for two weeks .

嗯,它们通常住在干燥的地方,但它们却能够在水下存活2周。 KAREN Really ? Do they breathe under water ? 真的吗?它们在水下呼吸吗? ROBERT It doesn’t say . 这个没说。

ROBERT Oh, Mum, how about this ? Ants always stretch their legs in the morning .

哦,妈妈,这个怎么样?蚂蚁总会在早晨伸伸腿。 KAREN You’re joking !


ROBERT No, really ! 没有,是真的。

KAREN Do they usually yawn in the morning ,too ? 它们早上伸懒腰吗?

ROBERTWell, funnily enough, they do ! 额,有趣吧,它们早上要伸懒腰。
