
时间:2023-05-09 10:59:15 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Linda Hi, Karen! Where are you? 琳达: 嗨,卡伦!你在哪儿?

Karen I’m in the coffee bar next to the Arrivals exit. I’m waiting for you, and I’m having a cup of coffee.

卡伦: 我在进港出口旁的咖啡馆。我正在一边等你一边喝咖啡。 Karen Where are you, and what are you doing? 卡伦: 你在哪儿?在做什么?

Linda I’m in the Baggage Hall. I’m waiting for my suitcase.

琳达: 我在行李领取厅,在等我的皮箱。

Linda Ah, I can see it! It’s coming round now! There it is!

琳达: 啊,我看到箱子了!马上就转过来了!到了! Linda Oh, Karen! Is Paul with you? 琳达: 哦,卡伦!保罗和你在一起吗?

Karen Yes, of course he is. He’s standing here beside me. I’m giving him my phone now.

卡伦: 当然在。他就站在我身旁。我现在把电话给他。 Karen Here you are, Paul! Talk to your mother! 卡伦: 给,保罗!和你妈妈说说话! Paul Hello, Mum!

保罗: 你好,妈妈!

Linda Hello, Paul! I’ve got my suitcase, and I’m coming out now!

琳达: 你好,保罗!我拿到皮箱了,马上就出来!
