(完整)英文面试常见问题(来自国外某知名大学) Practice Interview Worksheet General Questions Compulsory 1. Tell us about yourself 2. What are your strengths/weaknesses? 3. Describe your work style 4. What 3 things are most important to you in a career / new position? Behavioural Questions Pick one question from this group 1. Describe a time when you were faced with, and were able to overcome a difficult situation? What skills or personal attributes assisted you to do this? 2. Tell us about a time when you had to Pick two more questions from this group 5. 6. How would you describe yourself? What are your career goals for the next 5 yrs? If you are hired what do you see for your future with us? Why are you interested in us/this position? What contribution do you think you can make? manage conflicting priorities? Describe the action/s you took to do this. 3. Describe a time when you had to deal 7. with a conflict between yourself and a work colleague or a client? What caused the conflict and how did you handle the situation? 4. Please tell me about a time you had to 8. 9. make an important decision quickly? How did you feel about having to do this? Describe any processes you used to make your decision? 5. Tell us about a situation where you 10. What is the most/least satisfying thing you have done so far, why 11. What values drive you in your choice of career? 12. What difficulties do you experience in getting along with others? 13. How do you show initiative? 14. What kinds of people are difficult for you to work with? 15. Why do you want to get into this field? 16. What will be the focus of your wish you had acted differently with someone in a work situation。 What happened? What did you do? 6. Describe a situation where you had to work with others to resolve a problem. What process/es did the group use to do this, and what was your role in that process? 7. Tell us about a time when you had to exercise leadership. What approach did you take, what was the result? 8. Describe a situation where you had to future professional/personal development? 17. What decisions are most difficult work on a team project. What was your role, and what was the result? 9. Think of a time when you identified the opportunity to save the (完整)英文面试常见问题(来自国外某知名大学) for you? 18. What past decisions have you made that you would decide differently today? 19. What is least appealing about this position? 20. We are considering several organisation money, or improved an organisational process. Describe why and how you did this? Tell us about a time you made a serious mistake? How did you become aware of this, and what did you did to resolve the situation? candidates。 What makes you unique? 21. How have you changed since high school? 22. Tell me why you would be a good team player. 23. How has your education and Situational Questions Pick one question from this group 1. A co-worker has unfairly criticised your judgement several times, and has obviously been talking to others in the team about this. What would you do? A customer makes a complaint about the level of service that you have provided them. What would you do? Your manager has made a decision that you completely disagree with. How would you deal with the situation? experience prepared you for this position? 24. What were your biggest challenges at university? 25. What drives you in your personal life? 2. 3. 26. What are your expectations of us as 4. You are involved in a team an employer? project, and one of your work 27. Why should we hire you? 28. What is your favourite book? 5. colleagues is not pulling their weight. What would you do? You are involved in a high pressure project, and suddenly you are finding it difficult to balance this responsibility along with your regular duties。 How would you deal with the situation? Feedback • How would you rate interview performance in terms of – eye contact, smile, overall posture, diction and speech generally, enthusiasm, providing examples, describing benefits? 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/d221d13c0aa1284ac850ad02de80d4d8d05a01a0.html