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小河的英文: brook 参考例句:

Stride over the Brook

跨过小河The noise of the stream have a pleasantly somnolent effect.

小河潺潺的流水声有宜人的`催眠效果。The stream switchback through hills and trees.

小河在山峦和树木间蜿蜒流去The meanders of a prattling brook, were shaded with straggling willows and alder trees

一条小河蜿蜒掩映在稀疏的柳树和桤树的树荫间,淙淙作响。She brushed away the darkness and saw him on the banks of a glassy river with a beautiful heifer standing near

她拨开云层见到他正呆在一条明镜般的小河岸上,身旁有一头美丽的小母牛。Cross(a stream,etc)by wading

渡过(小河等)Where do the two streams join?

这两条小河在哪儿汇合?Creeks pour down from the rise. 小河从高地流下。The Brook runs parallel to the road. 小河与路平行而流The small streams rise when the main stream is high; when the main stream is low, the small streams nm dry.

大河有水小河满,大河无水小河干。 brook是什么意思: n. 小溪 v. 容忍

The brook bubbles over the rocks.

那条小溪汩汩地流过岩石。A brook divides the field. 一条小溪把这块地分开。He has often cast this brook.

他总是在这条小溪里钓鱼。He has often cast this brook. 他总是在这条小溪里钓鱼。The brook bickers down the valley. 小溪沿山谷潺潺奔流下来。 【小河的英文及例句】
