梧桐树用英语怎么说 梧桐树,别名青桐、桐麻。原产中国,南北各省都有栽培,也为普通的行道树及庭园绿化观赏树。许多传说中的古琴都是用梧桐木制造的,梧桐对于中国文化有重要的作用。那么你知道梧桐树用英语怎么说吗? 接下来跟着店铺来学习一下吧。 梧桐树的英语说法1: Phoenix Tree 梧桐树的英语说法2: Buttonwood 梧桐树的英语说法3: Plane tree 梧桐树相关英语表达: 梧桐树皮纤维 chitrang fibre 梧桐树协定 Buttonwood Agreement 原有梧桐树 The original Chinese parasol tree 梧桐树的英语例句: 1. The plane trees have come into leaf. 这些梧桐树已经长出叶子了. 2. Mr. Darnay presented himself while they were sitting under the plane - tree, but he was only One. 他们在梧桐树下闲坐着.达尔内先生倒是来了, 可他也只是一个人. 3. She had reserved this last evening for her father, and they sat alone under the plane - tree. 她把这最后的晚上留给了爸爸.两人单独坐在梧桐树下. 4. You know that. How can you call it their sycamore? 这些你都知道的啊! 你怎么可以说那是他们的梧桐树? 5. The plane trees lining the main street are leafing out. 大街两旁的梧桐树已冒芽长叶. 6. Out of the university, chinars are very stout and give us cool. 校外的, 众多梧桐树三五米高,够粗够荫. 7. The plane trees lining the main streets are already in leaf. 大街两旁的梧桐树已绿叶满枝了. 8. The plane tress lining in the main street are already in leaf. 大街两旁的梧桐树已长出叶子. 9. Plant tree of good phoenix tree, draw phoenix dwell. 栽好梧桐树, 引来凤凰栖. 10. Lovelier to see than tall plane trees. 比那高高的梧桐树还让我着迷. 11. Tall trees creaked in the wind, street lamps cast a long shadow mottled. 高大的梧桐树在风中作响, 街灯投出绵长斑驳的影子. 12. He sits under the parasol tree of chair up, seem to be so solitary. 他坐在梧桐树下的座椅上, 显得那么孤单. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/d3c219ace63a580216fc700abb68a98270feac5c.html