to be a working mom 3职业妈妈的好处

时间:2022-04-16 04:29:20 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Its Better to Be A Working Mom

It has long been an issue argued by many people whether married women should stay at home to take care of the daily chores of the family or go to work just like their husband.I hold it strongly that women should choose to work after marriage and child’s birth. To be a working mom instead of staying at home mom. Because by boing so women can pursue their career, seise their happiness, develop their children’s independence,and contribute their knowledge to benefit the whole society.

First of all, being a working mom allow women to pursue their own career. Women today are quite different from what they used to be. . They thus possess independent ideas and values, which means not only their voice need to be heard but also their ambitions need equal opportunities to be achieved. Being a working mom provides them such a platform. Otherwise their spirit will suffer because of the broken career. For example, a married woman named Marisa Costa, Learnvest wrote a post on business insider called I Have Been A Stay-at -home Mom for 8 Years And I Am Miserable saying that her spirit had fallen sharply after she became a mom and quit her own job. She put it this way in her post: after all I had an MBA from NYU and had most recently held a senior management position at one of the most well-known publishing companies in the world. I just couldt believe how much I have changed as a person-from the go-getter career woman that I once was to the tired, bored housekeeper that I felt like Id become. With the movement of civil rights, women get almost equal rights to men to receive education. They now have the need to build up their own career.Gone are the silent group whose voice has been long neglected. In its place are women most of whom have received decent education. So its obvious that women should continue to work for the sake of pursuing their own career and make self-achievement.

Secondly, being a working mom will experience less depression. Women without jobs are reported to be more likely to lose temper and sink into sadness. According to an article Stay-at-Home Moms Report More Sadness, Anger and Depression than Working Moms from Time news, working mothers report greater well-being than stay-at-home mom and employed moms experience fewer negative emotions than the other. So a job do make a great difference because womens world should not be occupied with only husbands and kids. If they quit their job and just stay at home most of their time, their world will narrow. They will gradually left behind by the society. With little things to do and little new people to meet they can easily sank into deep sadness and cant escape. In conclusion, a mother who finds meaning outside her children will be more satisfied in her role as both a mother and a independent human being. And among all, nothing can serve this better than having a job and working outside.

Besides, mothers working outside also allow enough room for their kids to be independent. Parents cant be with kids forever, which means kids need to develop their own independence to live on their own in the future. If the mom choose to stay at home, she will deprive her kids some chance to grow mature. Since stay-at-home mom have excessive time and energy, too much attention will be paid to the kids. As a result the kids tend to rely on their mom almost everything. On the contrary, kids with working mom are pushed to learn to handle lots of personal affairs and they possess better ability to socialize with other people. This ability will benefits them a life time. Otherwise, kids are more likely to be spoiled and lose independence when they grow up.

Last but not least, mothers going to work will provides more intelligence to the society. As is mentioned at the beginning, most of the women today have received decent education that can provide high quality service to the society. Their knowledge and skills should be made best use of. If they simply quit their jobs after kids birth, it will cause a huge amount of waste on social resources.

In conclusion, being a working mom is a better choice for women than just staying at home. It allows women to achieve their career and decrease depression, give opportunities to kids to grow mature and contribute effort to the working world.
