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相信大家一看到英语fashionable就会觉得它很难理解了,这主要是因为我们不了解它的中文意思。快来看看店铺为你准备了单词fashionable具体的几种中文意思及例句,欢迎大家阅读! fashionable的中文意思

[ˈfæʃnəbl] [ˈfæʃənəbəl]

形容词 流行的; 时髦的,符合时尚的; 时髦人物使用的; (尤指)有钱人常光顾的

名词 时髦的人 相关例句 形容词

1. She often wears a fashionable hat. 她常戴一顶时髦的帽子。

2. Short skirts are fashionable now. 现在短裙很时髦。

3. She moves in fashionable circles. 她周旋于上流社会的圈子里。 fashionable的单语例句

1. Compared with their urban counterparts who lead a fashionable and carefree life, young migrant workers usually live a poor life.

2. We have little doubt about the proposal becoming a fashionable new catchphrase in official documents, public speeches and various slogans.

3. I also have doubts about some of the new buildings with fashionable glass walls, which are half as energy efficient as insulated cement walls.

4. In China, " Red Chamber craze " and " Red fans " have

become fashionable phrases.

5. The survey also showed 30 percent of people said cyber language is more charming than traditional language in regards to being " fashionable and unique ".

6. Yet so pronounced is this relatively recent trend that we have even added the term " collective memory " to our lexicon of fashionable phraseology.

7. Though coveted brands may come and go, jeans are forever fashionable.

8. Nevertheless, the company has yet to build an image as a fashionable chic brand.

9. Perhaps most tempting to Shanghai's fashionable set, proper hydration is essential to maintaining your complexion and fighting the visible signs of aging.

10. Trendy and fashionable are not words that properly conjure up the design of LAN Club. fashionable的双语例句

1. Winter is market of salted duck fashionable. 冬季则是板鸭风靡市场。

2. All the famous names from the world of fashionable vice were there.

所有花街柳巷的名媛都到场了,有几个贵妇人在偷偷打量她们。 3. While from the view of the enterprise, in order to have a senseful and vivid motorcar brand, there are another four important principles to be abided: excellent quality, fashionable appearance with distinctive content, heavy culture atmosphere and the unique enterprise spirit.

