保护动物英文标语简短 以下是一些保护动物的简短英文标语: 1. Save animals, save our planet. (拯救动物,拯救我们的地球。) 2. Protect wildlife, preserve the balance. (保护野生动物,维护平衡。) 3. Don't let them disappear. (不要让它们消失。) 4. Be their voice, stop the cruelty. (成为它们的代言人,制止残忍行为。) 5. Respect all creatures, big and small. (尊重所有的生物,不论大小。) 6. Love animals, protect their habitats. (热爱动物,保护它们的栖息地。) 7. Every life matters. (每一条生命都重要。) 8. Choose kindness, save wildlife. (选择善良,拯救野生动物。) 9. Help wildlife thrive, take action now. (帮助野生动物茁壮成长,立即行动。) 10. Say no to animal cruelty. (拒绝虐待动物。) 11. Wildlife is worth protecting. (野生动物值得保护。) 12. Protect endangered species. (保护濒危物种。) 13. Act now to save their future. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/d5353fee72fe910ef12d2af90242a8956becaa9b.html