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范例:读后续写—体育运动Winners Never Quit

I had been swimming competitively for five years but after such a long time, I was ready to quit.I was often the only African American at the swimming competitions and our team couldn't afford good uniforms.However, my number-one reason for wanting to quit was that I kept receivingHonorable Mentions(荣誉奖).Any athlete knows that you don't want to have a shelf full ofHonorable Mentions which you get just because you showed up.One summer's day,the day before a big swim meet, I decided to tell my grandma that I was quitting the swim team.After I told her,she looked me in the eye and said, Baby, remember these words.'Quitters never win and winners never quit.Your grandmother didn't raise losers or quitters. You go to that meet tomorrow,and you swim like you are a grandchild of mine, you hear? I was too afraid to say anything but Yes, ma'am.

The next day,we arrived at the swim meet late, which meant that I missed my group of swimmersinthe15/16agegroup.My coach insisted I be allowed to swim with the older 17/18 age group.I knew she didn't think I could win;she just didn't want me to have taken such a long drive to get here for nothing

As I mounted the board all the other girls looked at me.I realized that these girls were here to do one thing-beat me! All of a sudden,my grandma's words rang in my head. Quitters

never win and winners never quit.You swim like you are a grandchild of mine.”“Yes, grandma, I will swim like I am a grandchild of yours, I said to myself. 续写要求:

1. 续写词数应为 150 左右; 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 P1) SPLASH! I swam harder than I had ever swum before._____________ P2) It was then that I heard the claps and cheers around me. ____________ 参考答案

SPLASH!I swam harder than I had ever swum before. After the first flip turn, I was

surprised to find that I had a half-body length lead over the other girls. However, they soon sped up and narrowed the gap.Halfway through the race, the girl to my left almost drew level with Me while I already began to feel tired. At that moment, the powerful words of my grandma

echoed again in my earsQuitters never win and winners never quit." I waved my arms and legs to keep swimming and used every last bit of strength to swim the last 50 meters. As soon as I touched the wall, I looked up at the screen, waiting anxiously for the result.

It was then that I heard the claps and cheers around me.I saw my time on the screen but could hardly believe it mine was at the top of the list! My coach ran to me and hugged me

tightly when I got out of the water. Narrow victory as it was, I did win my first real trophy that day Everything felt like a dream as I stood on the winner's podium, weeping tears of joy. Back at home,I delightedly replaced theHonorable Mentions"on my shelf with the new trophy. Yes Grandma,you're right. Quitters never win and winners never quit. “永不言弃”是体育运动主题中比较常见的情节之一。故事中的主要人物通常会参加某种体 育活动或比赛。在锻炼或参赛的过程中他们虽然经受了各种困难挫折,但依靠外界的激励或 自身顽强的意志力,往往都坚持到了最后。情节一般包含了“遭遇打击”、“坚持不懈”和 “得偿所愿”三个部分(在具体文章中会有省略或合并的情况) 遭遇打击

类型 1:局面落后 连接本文:

I kept receiving Honorable Mentions(荣誉奖)

I knew she didn't think I could win; she just didn't want me to have taken such a long drive to get here for nothing

拓展表达:can't catch up with; be passed by; fall behind; leave me in the dust 类型 2:身心疲惫

连接文本: ..but after such a long time, I was ready to quit 拓展表达: on the verge of a breakdown, get tired

类型 3:突发意外 拓展表达:fall/crash to the ground 坚持不懈 类型 1:激发动力 :

All of a sudden, my grandma's words rang in my head

At that moment. the powerful words of my grandma echoed again in my ears.. 拓展表达:The seconds ticking away gave me an incentive. 类型 2:加倍训练

拓展表达:train intensively/hard;step up one's training 类型 3:全力以赴

I swam harder than I had ever swum before

I waved my arms and legs to keep swimming and used every last bit of strength to swim the last 50 meters. 得偿所愿

类型 1:击败劲敌

I saw my time on the screen but could hardly believe it -mine was at the top of the list My coach ran to me and hugged me tightly...

Narrow victory as it was, I did win my first real trophy that day 类型 2:自我突破

I delightedly replaced theHonorable Mentions" on my shelf with the new trophy 拓展表达:set a new personal best; it was a brand new record 类型 3:登台领奖

Everything felt like a dream as I stood on the winner's podium, weeping tears of joy 拓展表达:

Tears ran down her face as she stood on the winner's podium She accepted the award to thunderous applause.

speed up 加速 narrow the gap 缩小差距 draw level with 与……相齐 one's words echo in ones ears 某人的话在耳边回响。 every last bit of strength 最后一点力气 run to me 跑向我

As soon as I touched the wall,I looked up at the screen, waiting anxiously for the result. as soon as 一……就……

no sooner... than... e.g. No sooner had he finished his work than he left the office 他工作刚完成,就离开了办公室。 hardly/scarcely/barely... when...

e.g.Hardly had he begun to speak when I sensed that he was in trouble 他刚一开口,我就感觉到他遇上麻烦事了。 Narrow victory as it was...

名词+as/though+主语+系动词 e.g.Child as/though he is, he knows a lot about physics. 尽管他是个孩子,但对物理知识知道得很多。
