读后续写拔高训练汉译英翻译练习 3

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【读后续写】拔高训练——汉译英翻译练习 3(完)

41. 当我们疲惫但精彩的旅程结束后回到酒店时,妈妈会拥抱我们,亲吻我们的脸

42. 多么可爱啊!尽管她粗心、健忘,但她从不忘记向我们表达她的爱。

43. 比预期的要快得多,他就带着一个空篮子回来了。

44. 在他的一生中,他从来没有得到过这么多的爱和温暖

45. 当他发现一切都是他的时,他高兴得说不出话来,但他那明亮的笑脸表明了他的心迹。

46. 坚持要我接受它,但我没有接受。

47. 我回到车里,想这个男孩有一天会原谅另一个孩子,然后将这份原谅传递

48. 他教会我生命是一种礼物,应该珍惜,而不是浪费

49. 我们开车经过她和她丈夫住的小区。

50. 为了制造电灯泡,他尝试了许多材料,这些材料见证了他的决心、努力和失败。

51. 我们能做的就是沿着原路回去。

52. 老妇人把食物递给搬运工,向他道歉,说她不应该怀疑他、当作贼。

53. 我在其他女孩面前抱怨的原因是我想融入她们,在这个团体中获得归属感

54. 弄明白他们为什么来以后,那个上了岁数的看门人邀请他们进去。

55. 一个人只有用心去看,才能看到真实。

56. 决定我们一生的,不是我们的能力,而是我们的选择。

57. 我的妻子上个星期从楼梯上滑倒摔下来把手腕给扭了

58. 挂了电话以后,我开始紧张了。

59. 我说没必要如此沮丧

60. 草莓上洒了一点糖。

61. 我看到了浪花在拍打海岸

62. 左边我看到孩子穿着各种颜色的游泳衣在堆沙堡,在水中泼着水并且大笑着。


41. When we came back to the hotel after the tiring but excellent visit, Mom would hug us and kiss us on our faces.

42. How sweet she was! Absent-minded and forgetful as she was, she never forgot to express her love to us.

43. And much sooner than expected, he returned with an empty basket. 44. Never had he received so much love and warmth before in his life.

45. When he found that it was all to be his, he was so delighted that he could hardly speak, but his bright smiling face spoke for him. 46. He insisted that I should take it, but I didn’t.

47. I went back into my car, thinking the boy might one day pardon another kid and pass this forgiveness on.

48. He taught me that life is a gift that should be cherished, not wasted. 49. We drove through the neighborhood where she and her husband had lived.

50. Sparing no pains to create electric light bulbs, he tried tens of thousands of materials which witnessed his determination and diligence as well as his countless failures. 51. What we could do was go back along the previous track.

52. She passed the food on to the porter, and said sorry to the porter, saying that she shouldn’t suspect them, and took them as thieves.

53. The reason why I complained in front of the girls was that I wanted to fit in, having a sense of belonging in the group.

54. Making clear why they came, the old doorkeeper invited them in. 55. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly.

56. It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. 57. My wife slipped down the staircase last week and sprained her wrists. 58. After hanging up, though, I began to get nervous. 59. All I’m saying is there is no need to be so dismayed.
