
时间:2022-06-20 15:22:15 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


The title of Daddy is full of my infinite respect for Dad. 在我幼小的生活里,爸爸是我心中的神。他教我画画,教我识字,教我用木板做简洁好玩的学习用具。爸爸还给我讲故事,他那情节扑朔迷离的神话传奇,内容生动好玩的民间故事,填满了我童年的心灵,勾起了我求知的欲望,让我知道大千世界神奇莫测,五彩缤纷……

In my little life, my father is the God of my heart.. He taught me to draw, teach me to read, teach me to use wood to do simple and interesting learning utensils. Father gave me a story, he the plot confusing myths and legends, folk story interesting fill the mind of my childhood, evoked the desire of my knowledge, let me know the universe are mysterious and colorful...

爸爸特别爱我,但在学习上他却从来不迁就我,甚至近乎苛刻。有一次,我正在写练习,爸爸突然走到我身后,吹胡子瞪眼地说:“你怎么这样没长进,真令我绝望。我说你几遍了,你的练习本怎么还是这样乱写。”我说:这只是练习,为什么要写那样整齐?爸爸听了就给我讲了一个故事: My father loves me very much, but he never indulge me in learning, even harsh. Once, Im writing practice, father suddenly went behind me, blowing beard stare to said: how is it that you are worthless,

really disappointed me. I told you several times, your exercise book is still like scribble. I said: this is just practice, why should write so neat? the father listened to tell me a story:


In ancient times there was a boy with the master barber school. At the beginning of the master let him into the pumpkin practice skills, every time after practice, he put on a razor to go with pumpkin. Day after day, the master every time he reminds him not to develop this bad habit, he is not listening to. A year later he became the skills training, happily out of the division, office of the barber shop, ushered in the first guest. He skillfully dance a razor, unexpectedly, finally with a loud Well! he used a wristwatch, sharp knife stuck in the customers head. That moment he stayed, and regret too late.


的习惯还能改掉吗?”听了爸爸的话,我再也不在练习本上乱画了。 Finished the story, Dad went on to say: by the same token, you usually just practice, after the formation of habits can get rid of you? listen to the father, I no longer in practice this scribble. 这就是我的爸爸,一个戴着近视眼镜,但目光却能穿越古今,看得很远很远的爸爸。爸爸就是这样一个平寻常常的人。他虽然没有做出惊天动地的大事。但他所做的一件件平凡的小事都给我留下了深刻的印象,他用他的言行影响着我,训练着我,启发着我,盼我快快成长。我决不辜负爸爸的盼望。

This is my father, a wearing glasses, but the eyes can through the ancient and modern, look far far away father. Daddy is such an ordinary person. Although he did not make a big shaking heaven and earth. But he did a piece of ordinary things are to me left a deep impression, he with his words and deeds affects me, education me, inspire me, I hope to grow up quickly. Ill never disappoint my fathers hopes..
