
时间:2024-04-08 22:24:23 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

以下是一些机场常用的英语情景对话: 1.办理登机手续

工作人员:Good morning/afternoon, sir/madam. Can I see your passport and ticket, please?

乘客:Here they are.

工作人员:Thank you. Are you checking any luggage today?

乘客:Yes, I have one suitcase.

工作人员:All right. Please put your luggage on the scale. (称重后) That's 20 kilograms. The excess luggage charge is $10 per kilogram.

乘客:Oh, I didn't realize it was so heavy. 1.安检

安检员:Sir/Madam, please remove your shoes, belt, and any metal items from your pockets. You'll need to put your laptop and liquids in separate bags.

乘客:Okay, no problem.

安检员:Please step through the metal detector. (如果发出响声) Sir/Madam, please stand aside for a moment. We'll need to do a manual check.


空乘人员:Good afternoon, sir/madam. Welcome to flight XYZ. May I see your boarding pass, please?


空乘人员:Thank you. Your seat is in row 15, aisle seat. This way, please. Is this your luggage? We can put it in the overhead compartment for you.

乘客:Yes, thank you.

空乘人员:You're welcome. Enjoy your flight.

