
时间:2023-09-22 19:10:11 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

致申请人(to the Applicant


Applicant should have two letters of recommendation submitted from professors or others who can assess the quality of his /her academic performance, capability and potential of research. Please ask to have these letters sent directly to the institution to which you are applying or returned to you with the envelope sealed.

(以下栏目由申请人填写,This section to be filled in by the applicant)

申请人姓名 申请人电话

Name of Applicant (Telephone Number) 申请人通信地址:

Institution of Applicant (Address of Applicant) 申请做博士后的单位:

(Institution to which the applicant is applying) (Address of the institution) To the Referee


You are named by the applicant as a referee for his/her application of postdoctoral position in the listed institution. We

would appreciate your opinion of his /her academic performance capability and potential in research work. Please directly send this form to the institution to which he/she is applying or return it to the applicant with envelope sealed. If you prefer to write a personal letter rather than this form, please feel free to do so and attach this form to your letter.

(以下栏目由推荐人填写) The following to be filled in by the referee

推荐人姓名 (Name of Referee) 推荐人职务或职称 (Position and Title) 推荐人工作单位

(Institution and Address) 推荐人与申请人的关系

(Relationship with the Applicant) 推荐人电话 推荐人传真

(Telephone Number) (Facsimile) 推荐意见(Recommendation


