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Lesson 21 Daniel Mendoza

Comprehension questions

1. When were boxing matches very popular in England?

2. In those days, did boxers fight with bare fists for prize money? 3. What were they known as?

4. Why could a boxer be injured or even killed during a match? 5. When was Daniel Mendoza born?

6. When were boxing gloves first introduced? 7. What did the Marquis of Queensberry do?

8. How did Mendoza change crude prizefighting into a sport? 9. Was he popular?

10. Did he rise to fame slowly? 11. Who offered to train Mendoza? 12. And who was Richard Humphries?

13. Why did Humphries turn against Mendoza? 14. Did the two men quarrel?

15. What was the only way their argument could be settled? 16. How long did the match last?

17. How many times did Mendoza lose to Humphries?

18. When did Mendoza beat Humphries to become Champion of England? 19. Did he become rich and famous? 20. But he was always in debt. Why? 21. When did he die and where?

Match the words with the explanations

bare crude figure technically adore alike swiftly eminent bet defeat champion academy enormous extravagant debt poverty 1__________ a sum of money that sb. owes 2__________ to love sb. very much

3__________ not covered by any clothes

4__________ used after you have referred to two people or groups, to mean ‘both’ or


5__________ the state of being poor

6__________ according to the exact meaning, facts etc.

7__________ (of people or the way they behave) rude or rough, not skilful 8__________ a person of the type mentioned

9__________ to win against sb. in a war, competition, sports game, etc.

10__________ happening or done quickly and immediately; doing sth. quickly

11__________ a person, team, etc. that has won a competition especially in a sport 12__________ the act or habit of spending more money than you can afford or than is


13__________ (of people) famous and respected, especially in a particular profession 14__________ to risk money on a race or an event predict to result 15__________ a school or college for special training 16__________ extremely large

Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the words or phrases given rise to fame draw up turn against in debt tremendous extravagant technically enormous academy eminent poverty figure

crude adore bare alike bet found settle 1. In those days, boxers fought with ___________fists for prize money.

2. However, boxing was very _____________, for there were no rules and a prizefighter could be seriously injured or even killed during a match.

3. One of the most colourful _________in boxing history was Daniel Mendoza,….

4. The use of gloves was not introduced until 1860, when the Marquis of Queensberry ______________the first set of rules.

5. Though he was ___________ a prizefighter, Mendoza did much to change ________ prizefighting into a sport, for he brought science to the game. 6. In his day, Mendoza enjoyed _____________popularity. 7. He was ___________by rich and poor a_____________.

8. Mendoza ______________ swiftly after a boxing match when he was only fourteen years old.

9. This attracted the attention of Richard Humphries who was then the most ___________ boxer in England.

10. In fact, Mendoza soon became so successful that Humphries _________________him. 11. The two men quarrelled bitterly and it was clear that the argument could only be ___________by a fight.

12. The public ___________a great deal of money on Mendoza, but he was defeated.

13. Meanwhile, he ___________a highly successful ___________ and even Lord Byron became one of his pupils.

14. He earned ____________sums of money and was paid as much as 100 for a single appearance.

15. Despite this, he was so __________ that he was always ________________.

16. He was sent to prison for failing to pay his debts and died in __________ in 1836. Finish the following sentences with the correct forms of the words or phrases given. These sentences are new.

extravagant a set of turn against eminent draw up popularity rise to fame technically poverty adore bare alike

1. As she waited, Sophia put her _________feet in the cool, fresh water of the stream. 2. Our first task today is to ____________ a budget for the coming year. 3. On the table, there was _____________ combs. They were beautiful.

4. Although ______________speaking you may not have lied, but you certainly haven't told us the whole truth.

5. The ___________ of cycling has increased greatly in our city over the years. 6. He ___________his fiancée and will do anything to please her.

7. Good management benefits employers and employees ___________.

8. Oprah Winfrey is a black woman whose _______________is an inspiring story.

9. Eiffel Tower was named after the __________ architect Gustave Eiffel, whose company designed and built the tower.

10. Shortly after their marriage, they got divorced and _______________ each other. 11. I felt ____________ spending 100 dollars on such a dress.

12. He was heavily in debt and finally died in __________before paying off all his debts.
