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拜登副总统关于恐怖袭击事件电台演讲20151121日) 解析一段,要仔细感悟,不要贪求速度.

原文:They want us to turn our backs on Muslims victimized by terrorism. But this gang of thugs peddling a warped ideology, they will never prevail. The world is united in our resolve to end their evil. And the only thing ISIL can do is spread terror in hopes that we will in turn, turn on ourselves and that we will betray our ideals and take actions, actions motivated by fear that will drive more recruits into the arms of ISIL. Thats how they win.

参考译文: 恐怖分子想让我们抛弃深受其害的穆斯林人民,但是这伙暴徒在宣一种异端邪说他们永远不会得逞的。全世界人民团结一心,决心铲除这股邪恶势力IS唯一能做的就是散播恐怖主义企图让我们自相残杀、背弃自己的理想让我们因恐惧而采取行动而这些行动会迫使更多人投入伊斯兰国的怀 正是他们能够嚣张一时的法则 词汇短语:

turn our backs on sb 不帮助,不理会,遗弃,抛弃 thugs [θʌɡ]暴徒

peddling ['pedəlɪŋ]散播; 宣传

warped ideology [wɔ:rpt] 扭曲的,异端邪说 prevail [prɪˈvel] 获胜,得逞 in hopes that 企图

turn on sb突然攻击; 反对; 对…发怒, end their evil铲除这股邪恶势力
