china daily双语版小学暖心爸爸18岁前每天为女儿拍一张照片

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china daily双语版:暖心爸爸18岁前每天为


一看到父母拿出家庭影集,大多数的青少年都会不耐烦的哼哼。 But not Suman Bansal, whose dad has given her an unusual 18th birthday present - a photo taken on each day of her life. 然而苏曼·班赛尔绝不会这样。她的爸爸给了她一份特别的18岁生日礼物——一张张每天为她拍下的照片。

Bookkeeper Munish, from Gillingham, has uploaded every photo in the 5,845-shot collection to the web - and made it into a 12-minute Youtube video.


The shots show his daughter happy, sad, asleep, at the swimming pool, in a washing basket and even wearing a witchs hat. 在这些照片里有女儿快乐的表情、难受的表情,睡着的样子、在游泳池里的样子、在洗涤篮里的样子,还有带着巫婆帽的样子。 暖心爸爸:18岁前每天为女儿拍一张照片

The dad took his first photo of Suman on May 16, 1996 - the day

she was born.


Since then, his daily portraits have captured every moment of her life - from her first steps to her changing hairstyles - and he has used them to keep an online diary.


Suman says: Being photographed every day just feels like any normal day as I have grown up with it my whole life.


At times it can become irritating as I dont always feel my best especially when I am running late. I do not have a favourite picture because all are special. I cannot compare.

