A magic stone【一块不可思议的石头】英语剧本

时间:2023-04-24 06:05:26 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
A magic stone

角色:PA poor man R: Richer old man old woman

道具:A poor man ,Richer old man old woman头饰各一个,一个锅,一支笔,一块石头、


P: (企求地) I’m hungry. Can I have something to eat, please?

R: (上下打量了他一下) Go out. No food for you.

Pool man 来到一对老夫妻家

P: (企求地) I’m hungry. Can I have something to eat, please?

Old man: I want to help you, but we dont have any food either

Old woman: we can give you some water

P:thank you , Look! I have a stone. It’s a magic stone. I just want a pan.

Old man: pen?(老人拿出一支笔)

Pno no no ,a pan(平底锅)

oldwoman: OK, I’ll give you a pan.

P: Mm And some water, too.

Old man: OK, some water. Here you are.

P: (把石头和水放入锅内,生起了火,边搅边尝味道) I’d like some fish. I’d like some tomatoes. It will be better. (尝了尝) Mm It tastes good.

Uncleaunt would you like some fish

Old man : Wow, a magic stone! What a magic stone! Old woman: Wow, a magic stone! What a magic stone! P:there is no magic stone ,you are the magic

RI want some fish too !(贪婪地抢走一条鱼,放在嘴里),哦! It is stone!!!! My teeth!!!
