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小学英语五年级下册第三单元测试题 分(30分)

一、将你听到的那个单词或者词组选出来哦。听两遍。(每题2分,共10分) ( )1. A. October

B. August

C. winter

( )2. A. Teachers Day B. birthday C.National Day ( )3. A.day

B. skate C. date

( )4. A.January B. June C. July ( )5. A. many B. May

C. March


( )6. A.Which day do you like? B. What day is it? C.Whats the date? ( )7. A. My birthday is in June 5th. B. My birthday is in July 5th.

C. My birthday is in June 15th

. ( )8. A. What’s your favourite season?

B. What’s your favourite month?

C. What’s your favourite day?

( )9. A. My fathers bithday is in May. B. My fathers bithday is in March.

C. My mothers bithday is in May.

( )10. A. Happy birthday. B.Happy New Year. C. Happy Teachers Day.

三、听问题,选出下列每组答句中最符合的一项,并把其编号填到前面的括号里。 10分)( )1. A. Spring.

B. Summer. C. April. ( )2. A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, it is.

C. Yes, she is.

( )3. A. Its May 15th.

B. Its fine.

C. Its Friday.

( )4. A. My birthday is in January. B. His birthday is in January. C. Her birthday is in January. ( )5. A. The same to you.

B. Happy birthday!

C. Thank you.


一、下面每小题有三个单词,你能找出每小题中与众不同的那一个吗?请你把这个捣乱分的序号填在前面的括号里吧。(每题1分,共5分) 精品文档

1. A.one B.two C. second 2 A. Monday B. Novermber C. February

3 A. twelve B. twentieth C. second 4 A.Monday B. Tuesday C. Army Day 5 A.spring B. summer C. season


( )1. Toms birthday is in January. A.元月 B.二月 C.十二月 ( )2. September is the 第九 month of a year. A.nineth B.ninth C.nineteenth ( )3. Whats the date today? A.日期 B.月份 C. ( )4.That man is my uncle. A.爸爸 B.爷爷 C.叔叔 ( )5. Its May the 12th today. A.五月 B.可以 C.三月


1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

四、选择合适的答案,把序号填写在题前括号内。(每题1分,共10分) 1. My birthday is _______ May.

A. at B. in C. on D. of 2. _______ is the first month of a year.

A. February B. December C. October D. January

3. _______ is Children's Day?

A. When B. What C.Which D. Why ( ) 4. What's the date? ________.


A. In July B. April 4th C. March D. 9th 5. Is your birthday in June? _________.

A.s, it is. B. Yes, it isn't. C. No, it isn't. D. No, it is. 6. How old are you? I'm _______.

A. first B. twelve C. second D. fifth 7. My birthday is ________ May.

A.at B. in C. on D. to 8.When _______ your birthday?

A. am B. is C. are D. be 9.My birthday is in July. Aunt Mary's birthday is in July,_________. A. either B. to C. too D. two 10.When is National Day? _________.

A. It's September 10th. B. It's March 12th. C. It's December 25th. D. It's October 1st.

五、将这些不讲究秩序的单词排列成句。注意横线后的标点哦!(每题2分,共10分) 1. your when is birthday (?)

___________________________________________________ 2. birthday June in her is (.)

___________________________________________________ 3. what date the is (.)

___________________________________________________ 4. her in birthday May is (?)(.)

___________________________________________________ 5. has birthday a who October in (?)


六、从ABCDE中选择合适的句子补全对话,将序号写在横线上。(每题2分,共10分)Chen: _______________,Sarah? 精品文档

Sarah: I am making a birthday card for my father.

Chen: _______________?

Sarah: His birthday is in May. Chen: When is your mothers birthday? Sarah: _______________

Chen: _______________ Sarah: Today is my birthday!

Chen: Oh! Really? _____________ Sarah: Thank you!

A.Happy birthday to you! B.When is your fahters birthday?

C.What are you doing? D.Her birthday is in June. E.What about your birthday?


My name is Peter. I have a happy family. My father is a doctor. He is tall and strong. His birthday is in March. My mother is a teacher. She is kind. Her birthday is in November. I am a student. My birthday is in May. I love my family very much.


( )1. There are three people in Peter's family. ( )2. Peter is a student.

( )3. Peter's mother is a nurse.

( )4. Peter's birthday is in May. ( )5. His mother's birthday is in March.


