龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn 《流浪地球》 作者:苗淑华 来源:《中学生英语·七年级》2019年第02期 The Wandering Earth is a Chinese science fiction film directed by Frant Gwo. It is based on a story by author Liu Cixin and is set for release on February 5, 2019. The Hollywood Reporter describes it as “China’s first full-scale interstellar1 spectacular2”. The plot is the sun is dying out, a group of brave spacemen set out to find new planet for the whole human race. 《流浪地球》是郭帆执导的一部中国科幻电影,以作家刘慈欣所写的故事为基础,于2019年2月5日上映。《好莱坞报道》将其描述为“中国第一次全景星际奇观”。故事情节是太阳即将熄灭,一群勇敢的宇航员开始为全人类寻找新的星球。 The original work of The Wandering Earth is a collection of short stories by Liu Cixin, China’s most famous contemporary science-fiction author. Unabashedly3 classic in the great tradition of Asimov and Clarke, Liu Cixin’s science-fiction is firmly rooted in the cosmic4. 电影《流浪地球》的原著是中国当代最负盛名的科幻作家刘慈欣的短篇小说集。刘慈欣的科幻小说是阿西莫夫和克拉克伟大传统下毋庸置疑的经典,稳稳扎根于宇宙背景之中。 Liu Cixin uses the unique5 perspective of science-fiction to take us on a journey into this grand, wild cosmos6. He gives us the chance to know ourselves again with the basic truth that in the face of a huge universe we are no more than a dust; that the Earth is just another space body—and an extremely weak one at that time. The flash of a gamma-ray burst or the blast of a nearby supernova7 could, at any moment, reduce our dear home to nothing but ashes. 刘慈欣用科幻小说的独特视角带领我们踏上通往这个宏伟、荒凉宇宙的旅程。他让我们有机会重新认识这样一个基本真理:在浩瀚的宇宙面前,我们不过是一粒尘埃;地球只是另一个天体,而且在那个时候是极其脆弱的。伽马射线爆发的闪光或附近超新星的爆发在任何时候都可能把我们珍爱的家园化为灰烬。 It can be terrifying to think about the end of our world and stories that describe such destruction can be disturbing8. At the same time however, they can leave us feeling not only entertained, but excited and inspired. Maybe, they can even give us a chance to renew our love of life. Most stories found in the The Wandering Earth collection take us to a sci-fi vision of Earth’s end. But here, there are no Hollywood aliens, falling from the depths of space to blow up our cities. In these futures, the dangers human being faces are much stranger than that. The unexpected calamities9 that happen in his richly detailed worlds are only overcome by humanity’s epic10, but always looked like trustworthy, purposes to escape destruction. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/da8483926ad97f192279168884868762cbaebb46.html