U2 整体认读48个国际音标,学习五个长元音
U2 整体认读48个国际音标,学习五个长元音 Teaching aims and demands: Learn how to pronounce 48 phonetics and 5 long vowels Important and difficult points: The pronunciation rules of the 48 phonetics and five long vowels Teaching aids: some cards; pictures; DIY cards; PPT Teaching steps: Period One Step1: Greetings(全方位打招呼) Step2: Warm up(Mingle mingle) Step3: Revision 一:Review 26 letters Practice: 1.Say them together 2.I do, you say 3.Listen and dictate 二: Review words Practice: 1. I say letters, you tell me the words 2. Jumping fish Step4: New lesson Bag, everyone, please look at the whiteboard, it is a word, it is combined with letters, and it is used to write the word, 这个单词是由字母组成,用于拼写单词, now look at this one /bæg/, it is combined with phonetics, and it is used to spell the word, 那大家看到这个是我们的音标,用于拼读单词,In English, there are 48 phonetics, 英语音素中,一共是48个音标,学习了国际音标,我们就能根据音标把单词拼读出来,所以音标的学习重不重要,重要的话我们今天要不要把他们都攻克下来,为我们英语学习奠定基础,要的话我们一起学习。Wow, you are so wonderful, let’s praise ourselves, wonderful, wonderful, I’m wonderful. OK, now everyone please look at the PPT, there are 48 phonetics in English, they are vowels and consonants, we have 20 vowels, let’s learn vowels first. Please look at the left side, can you tell me its rule? 我们先来看看左边的元音,大家能不能告诉我一些规则呢?从字面上看有什么不同,wow, very good, there are two dots on this line, 大家眼睛很亮,这一竖条我们都有两个点,so we call these: “long vowels.” But how to read, now follow me: 一、Presentation :Gestures /ɑ:/ /ʌ/(大好河山音) /i:/ /І/(穿针引线音) /u:/ /ʊ/(火车长笛音) /ɔ:/ /ɒ/(恍然大悟音) /ɜ:/ /ə/(饥肠辘辘音) Practice(以上五组): 1.do & chant together 1 2.high & low voice 这里可以做一下简单的检测,I say Chinese, you chant & do.(可两组进行P.K.或者个人P.K.) 二: Presentation: /e/(一指微笑音) /æ/(两指咧嘴音) Practice(以上两个):1. do & chant together. 三:Presentation: /eɪ/(爱的应答音) Practice: Lily, /eɪ/, one by one call their names, they have to respond(可以先老师喊几个学生的名字,后面可以要全部同学喊,喊到的人要应答) 四:Presentation: 让学生自己拼读,手势加发音同时呈现 /aɪ/(爱的呼唤音) /ɔɪ/(耍帅男孩音)/əʊ/(疯狂舀水音) /aʊ/(鬼哭狼嚎音)/ɪə/(天籁耳朵音)/eə / (美丽秀发音)/ʊə /(双手捂耳音) Consolidation(双元音检测,再到全部元音): 1.do & chant together 2.I say Chinese, you do and say (PK) Now we have learned 20 vowels, there are 28 consonants, what are they? Now let’ look at the right side, there are 28 consonants, 在咱们的英语学习中,有28个辅音,Now let’s look at this line, show me your hands and touch your throat, follow me, 五:Presentation: /p//b/ /t/ /d/ /k//g/ /f//v/ /s//z/(带读一遍后板书在白板上) Can you tell me the rules and their differences,再把清辅音读一遍,浊辅音再读一遍,说明清浊辅音概念。 Practice:1.Pat and read together 六:Presentation:/θ//ð/ (咬舌音) Practice: I say you do, PK 七:Presentation:/∫//ʒ/ /ts//dz/ /t∫//dʒ/ /tr//dr/(呈现发音时要有区分,以加大马力进行两者的说明,然后直接板书在白板上) Practice:以上四对加足马力,follow teacher (do and chant together)(手势加加马力的动作) Consolidation(十对辅音):1.do and chant together(pat and read清甩手,浊拍桌,后面四对加马力的姿势加上拍桌) So until now we have learned 20 consonants, there are eight more, what are they? Let’s continue. 八:Presentation:先直接板书在白板上,说出发音规则,双唇紧闭/m//m//m/, 舌尖抵上/n//n//n/,舌尖抵下/ŋ//ŋ//ŋ/,My nice morning, 反复说几遍,直接告知读音/m//n//ŋ/, 检测可用I SAY YOU DO。 九:Presentation:我也乐呵R,how about you? So /w//j//l//h//r/, Practice: Read together Consolidation: I say voiced, you tell me the voiceless consonants 2 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/dbae941f0708763231126edb6f1aff00bed570ba.html