绿 萝 绿萝:英文名“Bunting”,又名黄金葛,原产中美、南美的热带雨林地区。为天南星科常绿藤本、喜林芋植物,属于攀藤观叶花卉。 习性:喜温暖、潮湿环境,藤长可达数米,节间有气根,叶片会越长越大,叶互生,常绿。 寄语:守望幸福。 班级:七(9)班 姓名:叶晓培 Other alias Huang Jin ge, native to the tropical rainforest regions between China and America, South merica.For the Araceae evergreen vines. Is other plants of the genus Araceae. Habits: Belongs to a climbing vine foliage flowers.Sex is fond of warm, moist environment, rattan can be up to several meters long, internodes with adventitious roots, leaves will be longer, the greater the leaves alternate. Remarks: Watchman happiness. class:7 (9) Name:Ye Xiaopei Bunting 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/dc4e807779563c1ec4da7177.html