
时间:2022-11-09 21:11:16 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

今天我要介绍的是中国历史上空前绝后的唯一一位女皇帝—武则天,她创造了中国历史的奇迹。Today I want to introduce the only female emperor in Chinas history ---- Wu Zetianwho created the miracle of Chinese history她是中国历史上杰出的政治家、军事家,同时也是一位诗人。She was an outstanding

politician,strategist as well as a poet in Chinese history.


was born in a wealthy family in Tang dynasty, She had the matchlessly beautiful and the very intelligent, and she also liked reading.童年时曾随父母游历了名山大川,培养了她的眼界和才干,所有的这

些为以后称帝奠定了基础。she had visited famous mountains and great

rivers with her parents when she was a child, which had broadened her horizon and developed her talents, and all of these had laid the foundation for becoming the empress in the future.

14岁入宫,在经历了很多坎坷和磨难(例如感业寺出家)后最终登上了皇位。She was sent to the palace when she was fourteen, after many difficulties and hardships(such as become a nun in Ganye temple ),she became the empress in the finally. 公元690年,武则天改国号唐为周,正式做了皇帝。

In 690, Wu Zetian changed the name of the dynasty Tang to Zhou, and became empress herself.


When she ruled the country, she supported Buddhism, reused integrity and talented people (such as Di Renjie), Economic and cultural developed rapidly, Frontier got stable and people all were in happiness.

她去世之后,留下了无字碑,意在“功过由后人评定” After she died, leaving a monument without any word, which aimed to evaluated Merits and Demerits by later generations

毛泽东说:她,有着苏东坡的大气,有着李白的豪气,有着李清照的才气,有着历代帝王的霸气。MAO Zedong said: she has Su Dongpo s generous, Li Bai's heroism, Li Qing-jao's talent, and Domineering of all the emperor.

周虽只传一代,女皇古往今来只有一个,可这一个,已经足够让我们直呼精彩了。Although zhou was a generationand there is only one empress in chinese history only this one is enough to let us applaud loudly
