__________________________________________________ 就像创世纪,灾难遍及任何一个角落。他们改变了地球和其恒星太阳的关系。太阳通过两种力量对地球产生巨大的影响:重力和太阳辐射。重力有一种能使行星按照某种固定的轨道运行的稳定力量。太阳辐射大部分是可见光和紫外线,它是一种沐浴着地球表层,能随着昼夜和季节的更替变化而波动的巨大能量。太阳能为生命进程中所需的能源提供燃料,它创造了地球上的气候并控制着庞大而多变的生物群的逐渐进化和当前的行为。我们一直在滥用这种力量,就像魔术师的徒弟一样,并没有意识到我们的行为会造成潜在的灾难性的后果。 第二条生态规律是任何事物都会转化成其他事物,这与第一条规律合起来体现了循环体系在生态圈中的重要性。举个例子,在水生生态系统中,参与循环的所有化学元素,它都是在一个封闭的过程中运行的。鱼呼吸时产生二氧化碳进而被水生植物吸收,二氧化碳通过光合作用生成鱼呼吸所需要的氧气,。鱼把含氮的合成物作为废物排出体外。当废物被水生细菌和霉菌分解时,有机氮转换成硝酸盐,这个又成为水生藻类的营养成分。鱼吃了水藻后又产生出有机废料,这一循环就完成了。在这个封闭的循环中没有所谓的废物,循环中产生的任何事物都会转换成其他事物并用于下一个步骤。 与生态圈之相反的是,技术圈是由线性流程决定的。农作物和以它们为食的动物被人类吃掉,它们的粪便被冲到下水道,经污水处理厂处置后结构发生变化但数量不变。,其余残渣则作为废物排放到湖泊或海洋里,因此这部分残渣扰乱了水生生态系统。人们开采铀把它加工成用于生产能源的核燃料,然后又产生放射性极强的核废物,这些废物需要小心的保管,但迄今为止,保管工作一直不佳,已对自然造成数千年的污染。现在科技圈的主要能源是化石燃料,这些能用储备一旦耗尽将永远不会再生。线性过程的最终结果是空气污染和全球变暖的威胁。从而,在技术圈中,物品不断地转换成废物,农作物转化成污物,铀变成放射性的残渣,化石燃料成为二氧化碳。在科技圈,直线末端永远是废物,这与可持续循环发展的生态圈相背离。 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除 __________________________________________________ A Review The article is of nature and pollution,which aims to remind human beings of sustainanle development.As there is environmental crisis,the author appeals to everyone to the inbalance between nature and society.The article can be divided into two parts.One is the nature of environment.The other is the solutions to the issue between man and nature. At first of the article,the author adopts that people live in two worlds:natural world and our own creation.The two world are independent and human being are only responsible for our own world.However,with the excessive acts of man,the division has been breached.Many environmental pollution such as the ozone hole,global warming,droughts and radiation indicate that huamn beings are tampering with the environment,which unaware result in disastrous consequences.Therefore,the author points out that the two world:the ecosphere and the technosphere are at war.The war can be reflected through the very different laws dominated in two spheres.One of the basic laws of the ecosphere can be summed up as “Everything is connected to everything else”,but the thousands of different man-made objects have a different relation to their surroundings in technosphere and are hostile to the environment.Take the car and farm for example,the ecosphere and technosphere are at war.The second law of the ecology—Everything has to go somewhere,expresses the fundamental importance of cycles in the ecosphere.Everything is cyclic and sustainable.However,the technosphere is dominated by linear processess.In the technosphere,the end of the line is always waste ,which is an assault on the cyclical processes.The third informal law of ecology is “Nature knows best”.The ecosystem is consistent and harmonious as contrasted to the rapid change and variation of the technosphere.It is also useful to compare the ecosphere and the technosphere with respect to the consequences of failure.In esosphere,the disruption of an ecological cycle leads unavoidably to harmful effects such as Three-Mile Island and Chernobyl.In the technosphere,pollution such as radition has not been cancelled and may result in sickness and death..Since the two world are at war,people are caught in environmental crisis.Only human beings properly understand their interplay can the problem be eased.At last, the author once again stresses the importance of understanding the interplay of the two worlds and on the basis of this understanding, making it our task to find ways to make peace with the planet. 辽宁省城市市容和环境卫生管理规定(修订版) 第十一条 在城市建成区内禁止有下列行为: (一)擅自对临街建筑物进行装修、改建; (二)擅自搭建建筑物、构筑物; 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除 __________________________________________________ (三)擅自在主要街道两侧的建筑物周围设置实体围墙; (四)在临街建筑物、构筑物立面上安装突出墙体的护栏; (五)在房顶搭棚、设架,堆放杂物;在临街建筑物外墙吊挂有碍市容观瞻的物品; (六)擅自在道路上从事维修和清洗车辆等经营活动; (七)擅自在人行天桥、立交桥、主要街道两侧、交通路口派发、悬挂经营性宣传物品; (八)擅自占用城市道路开办集贸市场、摆摊设点、堆放物品; (九)在车行道、人行道和其他有碍交通,影响市容的地点停放车辆; (十)在建筑物、构筑物的外墙及市政公用设施、树木上涂写、刻划及张贴宣传品。 第十六条 设置户外广告、招牌及阅报栏、招贴栏、指路标示牌、橱窗、画廊、霓虹灯、电子显示屏等设施,必须经市容和环境卫生主管部门同意后,按照有关规定办理审批手续,并定期维修。对脱落、易倒塌的设施,设置单位应当及时拆除;超过审批期限的,应当按照有关规定办理延期手续或者自行拆除。 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/dc6ba1dc5222aaea998fcc22bcd126fff7055d8a.html