
时间:2023-12-25 11:00:21 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


1. Take care of:照顾

- Example: I will take care of my younger brother while our parents are away.(当父母不在家时,我会照顾我的弟弟。)

2. Look after:照看

- Example: Can you look after my dog while I'm on vacation?(当我度假时,你能照看我的狗吗?)

3. Care for:照顾

- Example: She cares for her aging parents and makes sure they have everything they need.(她照顾她年迈的父母,确保他们所需的一切。)

4. Attend to:照料

- Example: The nurse will attend to your needs shortly.(护士会很快照料你的需求。)

5. Nurture:培养

- Example: It is important to nurture a healthy lifestyle and take care of your body.(培养健康的生活方式并照顾好自己的身体是很重要的。)

6. Foster:促进

- Example: We must foster a supportive environment to help people grow and develop.(我们必须促进一个支持性的环境,以帮助人们成长和发展。)

7. Provide for:供养

- Example: As parents, it is our responsibility to provide for our children and meet their needs.(作为父母,供养我们的孩子并满足他们的需求是我们的责任。)

8. Cater to:迎合

- Example: The hotel aims to cater to the needs and preferences of all its guests.(这家酒店旨在满足所有客人的需求和喜好。)

9. Support:支持

- Example: The organization provides support and resources for individuals in need.(该组织为需要帮助的人们提供支持和资源。)

10. Assist:协助

- Example: Our team will assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.(我们的团队会协助你处理任何问题或担忧。)

11. Watch over:照看

- Example: Could you please watch over my plants while I'm away?(你能在我不在的时候照看我的植物吗?)
