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k是一个简单的英文字母,那你知道它的中文意思是吗?为此店铺为大家带来英文字母k的中文意思。 英文字母k的中文意思:kilobytes

['kɪləˌbaɪts] ['kɪləˌbaɪts]

名词 千字节; 千字节,1024字节( kilobyte的名词复数 ) 1. 千字节:此外,它还支持便捷的网络浏览,以及基于EDGE的、数据连接速率最高可达每秒236.8千字节(kilobytes)的高质量流媒体. 其功能相近但专为美洲市场设计推出的另一版本诺基亚6682图像智能电话预计将于2005年第二季度上市.

2. kilobytesk; 千字节

3. kilobyteskb; 千字节(1KB=1,024 bytes) 例句

1. The size of a page is typically some kilobytes. 页面的大小通常是一些字节。

2. In Task Manager, the change in memory, in kilobytes, used since the last update.


3. Traditionally, computer memory indexing started at 0 and ran to 655360 (640 KiloBytes).

过去,电脑内存的地址从0655360(640千字节) 4. Data rate is measured in kilobytes per second. 对网站视频,尤其是流动视频来说,这是一项重要的设置。 5. A typical dial-up user will get a transfer rate of about 5 kilobytes per second, but that may be much slower at busy times.


6. On a 28.8 kilobytes per second dial-up modem, the report takes approximately one and a half minutes of transfer time.

如果使用 28.8 千字节每秒的拨号调制解调器,报告的传输时间大约为 1.5 分钟。

7. Low speed communication modems can transport from about 14000 to 56000 bits per second (14 to 56 kilobytes per second).

低速的通信调制解调器每秒能传送14 000 56 000 比特(每秒1456千比)


[ˈkɪkə(r)] [ˈkɪkɚ]

1. 皮划艇:大约1点不到的样子回到PP,原计划下午借两只皮划艇(KAYAK)Loh Dalam Bay入口那里的Monkey Beach,看看火辣的太阳,四个得上阳光恐惧症的人一致决定改为自由活动.

2. 皮艇:KayakRowboat,我分不清楚这几种船有什么区别,到实物,才知道Rowboat和国内公园里划桨的船只差不多,至于CanoeKayak的区别,还是回家后用google搜索到的答案:皮艇(Kayak)独木舟(Canoe)经常都被人们认为是同一种的'水上活动,

3. kayakk.; 皮艇 例句

1. Peter Stark tells the physical story of his kayak trip along the Lugenda--he was the first white man to paddle the river--and weaves in the history of exploration in Africa, presenting us with a meditation on why we are so drawn to the African wilderness, why we feel we must explore the unknown.

