
时间:2022-04-26 04:30:10 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
一般将来时及一般过去时的被动语态的句子翻译 1,(18年)我校即将举办英语文化节。 2,(18年)一些学生将表演英文剧。 3,(17年)下午,我们计划捡垃圾直到3. 4,(16年)我们将用英文讨论暑假计划。

5,(16年)如果你能给我们一些关于如何提高英语的建议我们将会很高兴。, 6,(15年)我认为我们之间交流将不会有问题。

7,(14年)我将非常开心做你的导游带你参观一些有趣的地方。 8,他就快结婚了 9,下次我要干得好。 10,车开不了啦。

11,我们五点钟去那儿,好吗? 12,请你把门打开? 13,我们打算在校门口见面。 14,王叔叔就要来了。 15,他们就要走了。 16,窗玻璃不是他打碎的 17,去年,我是由赵老师教的. 18那些信是由一位有名作家写的. 19,这台机器昨天没有修理。 20,这本书是1977年写的吗? 21,篮球是詹姆斯•奈史密斯发明的。 22,这房子是1967年建的。 23,汽车是1885年发明的。 24,这首歌是由一名士兵创作的吗? 25,以前这种书是儿童读物

26,他们让我们参观了他们生产的机器。 27,玻璃杯是被他打碎的。 28,她被警察抓起来了。 29,领导们被邀请去参加派对。 30,电脑被修好了。


He will get married.

I'll(shall/will)do a better job next time. The car won't start. Shall we go there at five? Will you please open the door?

We're going to meet outside the school gate. Uncle Wang is coming.

They're about to leave. (=They're leaving.) The window was not broken by him. I was taught by Miss Zhao last year.

Those letters were wirtten by a famous writer. The machine wasn’t repaired yesterday. Was the book written in 1977?

Basketball was invented by James Naismith. The house was built in 1967. Cars were invented in 1885. Was the song composed by a soldier? Such books were written for children

We were shown the machines they had turn out. The glass was broken by him. She was caught by the policeman. The managers were invited to the party. The computers were repaired.
